Stovetop Or Electric Kettle What You Need To Know
If you are unsure which to choose, either a stovetop or electric kettle, this article will help you sort things out. After all, why have both when you need just one? Let’s face it. We all enjoy hot beverages regardless of the season. And when thinking about which type of kettle to buy, we want the best choice. Whether it’s a hot cup of yummy coffee or a rich delicious cup of tea, we want to make it quickly and have it turn out delicious.

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Stovetop Or Electric Kettle – The Debate Continues
With emerging tech, we can replace every manual appliance in our home with a digital version. But, more so, that doesn’t always help us make the right decision. However, if you don’t want to end up owning both, it’s a good idea to know the pros and cons of owning a stovetop or electric kettle.
Maybe it’s your routine to sip some hot chocolate or cocoa each night before you go to bed. Whichever the case, there is one kitchen tool you can’t afford to lack in your home – a kettle! Of course, there are so many styles of kettles on the market, available in different shapes, sizes, features. Of course, each type features various designs you can pick from to compliment your home decor.
Moreover, during your search, you will notice that stop top kettles. And electric kettles are by far the two most common options on the market. But which one should you pick between the two? Well, it all depends on your needs and personal preferences. So below, we will dig a little deeper to help you decide on which one fits better in your home. After all, it’s not difficult to choose between a stovetop or an electric kettle, but we want the right one!

1 – Pros And Cons Of The Electric Kettle
When thinking about which choice to make, the electric kettle does have great features to consider. Especially if you’re a fan of pour-over coffee or espresso, an electric kettle (more so the gooseneck type) can come in handy. It also helps you boil water to make other drinks and kitchen tasks requiring hot water.
Moreover, most of today’s electric kettles come with temperature control features that allow you to get hot water at just the precise temperature for the task at hand. For example, Smeg Electric Kettles come in various sleek designs, varying colors, and capacities from 0.8L to 1.7L and more.
For instance, we love the SMEG Blue Retro-Style Electric Kettle. And it features a detachable stainless steel filter at the spout with auto shut-off. Loaded with 1400 watts of power, you’ll experience a quick heat time and a perfect brew every time! Moreover, you can heat the water to the exact temperature you desire with an electric kettle. And it boils much faster than traditional stovetop versions.
Pros Of Electric Kettles
The question that is probably lingering in your mind is, “why should I opt for an electric kettle instead of the stovetop version?” Well, there are a few convincing reasons to go the electric kettle way, including the following:
- Boiling occurs much faster than with the stovetop kettle
- They are portable and easy to use anywhere near an electric outlet
- You can get hot water at your desired temperature, making it more versatile
- Modern versions are energy-efficient
Cons Of Electric Kettles
- Regular usage can bump up your electric bills
- Cleaning causes an extra step
When you think about what to choose, stovetop or electric kettle, you can clearly understand the pros and cons.

2 – The Stovetop Kettle
As you can tell from the name, this kettle uses conduction heat from your stovetop to boil water. Some versions come with a steam whistle mechanism, which alerts you when water approaches boiling point. Additionally, they usually feature metals such as stainless steel or copper.
For example, we love this SUSTEAS Stove Top Whistling Tea Kettle. And the ergonomic design of the handle and push-button technology make pouring a breeze! The style is unique, and we love how it looks on our stovetop. Shoppers love it too, with all 5-star reviews and its affordable price.

Just like the electric version, the stovetop kettle has its own set of merits and demerits. With this in mind, can a stovetop kettle fit better in your home?
Pros of stovetop kettles
- They tend to be more cost-effective since gas is cheaper than electricity
- Water stays hot longer in a stovetop kettle
- More environmentally friendlier because they lack the heating element
- Easier to clean
Cons of stovetop kettles
- You need an extra source of heat to boil water
- Water takes longer to boil than in an electric kettle
- They lack temperature control settings

Which One Will You Choose?
Making a good decision between choosing a stovetop or electric kettle depends mainly on your needs and preferences. Both can be great home additions for what it’s worth. You will also want to ask yourself several questions, including; “How do you want to use the kettle?”
Also, ask yourself the following questions. Are the electricity bills an issue to you? Do you have a stovetop cooker in your kitchen? Is temperature control a vital aspect of your daily brewing or kitchen tasks? The above few points should help you make an informed decision on what to get between the two. Of course, having both types of kettles would not be a bad idea if your budget allows it.

If you love coffee in its most authentic and delicious form, you need to start using a coffee percolator. There’s nothing like the taste of hot and steamy percolated coffee. Personally, I can attest when you make coffee on your stovetop, it takes your coffee experience to a whole new level.
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