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5 Household Cleaning Items To Add To Your Chore List

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5 Household Cleaning Items To Add To Your Chore List

Keeping up a home can take a great deal of time and attention to detail. There are household cleaning items that can help you get the job done easier! If you skip a week of cleaning, you will surely pay for it as your home seems to multiply in filth when you get lazy.

Household Cleaning Items

If you live with a spouse, children, or pets, this can only add to how quickly a home can go from neat and tidy to messy in a matter of moments. I know this all too well as I’m sure you do too!

While you have the standard chores that you do regularly, there are some items that only need to be done quarterly or even annually. Below, are some tips as to what to add to your household cleaning items annual chore list as it can be easy to forget.

Household Cleaning Items

Every year we have our air ducts cleaned. I remember when we first bought our home and had them done for the first time – they found beer cans and other debris in the air ducts! I was shocked!

It seems when construction was ongoing, the workers discarded their cans and other debris like cigarettes into my air ducts! Ever since then, we are steadfast to make sure we clean them every year to assure they are clean and provide us with healthy air! 

Check out how I transformed my old floor vents back to new with a quick DIY hack! 

1  – Clean your air ducts

To help freshen up your home, clear the air of allergens and must, and to decrease the amount of dust in your home, cleaning out your air ducts is a necessity. All the dust and pet hair that has built up in the air ducts blows throughout your home when the heater or air conditioner runs.

To avoid having a sick family, add this to your list of things to do this year. If this does not seem like a fun chore, you can certainly hire house cleaners to do the job for you. Last year, we hired a company to clean all of our vents including our dryer vents too. 

It’s so important to have them cleaned at least once a year to maintain safety in your home. Once you have them cleaned, you’ll notice your home smells fresher too! 

Household Cleaning Items

2 – Clean your window screens

I think many of us forget to clean our window screens, at least I know I do. It’s not after the fact that I can actually see the dirt and grime building up that I remember to clean them.

And since I’m a clean freak that always bugs me to no end! 

This is a simple chore but one that takes time because it can be tedious to unscrew the screens and line them up to be cleaned. If you live in a 2-story home, you will need a strong ladder to help with this task. After you have all the screens off of the windows, you can lather them up with some mild soap and rinse them off with a hose.

You will be shocked at how much filth has built up throughout the year! Make sure you clean the inside window ledges too. After the summer season, I always find dead bugs and dirt piling up and end up having to clean them weekly!

Household Cleaning Items

Decluttering your home has been a huge trend on the internet the past few years and for good reason. I think most of us keep purchasing new things and end up moving the old stuff into the basement.

I like to do an audit of all the old stuff I don’t want to keep anymore and end up selling them at my annual yard sale. It’s a great way to earn some extra bucks and clean up your home at the same time. 

If you love cleaning with Windex, you’ll want to be sure you check this list of what you shouldn’t be cleaning with Windex Window Cleaner

3 – De-clutter

Every year it is a good idea to go through your home and get rid of items you no longer need. If you fail to do this chore, clutter will build up around your home and it will then become more of a hassle to deal with all at once.

Go through your closets and get rid of old clothes and make room for new. Clean out old toys and rid your home of excess papers. And go through your books too and only keep the ones that are near and dear to your heart. 

Household Cleaning Items

Just last month we had our home’s exterior power washed. You will be amazed at the difference! We do this right before the Fall to clean our home’s exterior and decks. It’s like giving your home a bath and always makes my house feel brand new!

This household cleaning item was one of the best I added to my annual list! 

4 – Powerwash the side of your home and walkways

Over the year dirt and grime can build up on the outside of your house and on the walkways. To keep your home in good condition and look its best, get out the power washer and wash it down. This chore is not all that bad and can be therapeutic as you see results right away. 

Household Cleaning Items

This is a very important chore to remember to do. My home has three rugged rooms and the rest are hardwood. I always make sure to clean my rugs at least once a year by a professional service.

If you suffer from allergies then this is super important to do. It’s easy to forget to get them cleaned that’s why I always add this chore to my chores list so I don’t forget. Now that we have a granddaughter and she will be crawling around soon, it’s even more important to have them cleaned.

5 – Shampoo carpets

If you live with children and pets you will likely want to do this several times throughout the year but certainly at least once. You will be amazed at the dirt and stains that come out of the carpet.

Household Cleaning Items

I hope you were able to get some good cleaning advice for your household cleaning items and remember to add these to your chore list this year! Check out 7 Of My Favorite Cleaning Hacks too! 

Prepare For The Fall

5 Household Cleaning Items To Add To Your Chore List - Sassy Townhouse Living

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  1. Joh!!! That’s quite a list Carolann but so important too. We don’t have screen or air conditioners here at home so thankfully I can scratch those two off of my list, but I need to make a plan and give all the carpets a good cleaning along with the outside walk ways so we can wash away all the winter dust. Thanks for the reminder

  2. Hi Michelle, you guys don’t have screens on your windows? How do you keep the bugs out when you open the windows? Chores are always a huge PIA but super important too. I have to get my rugs cleaned soon too. They always feel so good once they are done. Have a great week dear!

  3. I’ve been trying to get our air ducts cleaned for a few years now and agee so much how important it is.

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