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The 10 Benefits Of Keeping A Journal And How To Get Started

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The benefits of keeping a journal are far-reaching. Not only does it keep you organized but it’s very cathartic as well. Journaling dates back to the 1600s and many influential people in history have kept journals. Do you journal? If not, I think it’s time you started and here’s why.


I’ve kept a journal on and off throughout my life. I always felt more centered and organized when I did. That made me wonder why there were times when I would pause journaling. I’ve gathered some key reasons why we should all keep a journal and I’m re-inspired to start one again! 

As a blogger, keeping a good journal is essential! I can keep track of every creative idea that pops into my mind and keep track of all my blogging to-dos for the day, week, and month too! Journaling also helps to increase your productivity as well. 

1 – Writing Has Proven Mental Health Benefits

According to the University of Texas at Austin, psychologist, and researcher James Pennebaker contends that regular journaling strengthens immune cells, called T-lymphocytes.

Other research indicates that journaling decreases the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Pennebaker believes that writing about stressful events helps you come to terms with them, thus reducing the impact of these stressors on your physical health.  I have asthma and reading that really hit home!

Writing helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings, know yourself better, reduces stress, solve problems more effectively, and helps to resolve disagreements with others. I’d say that’s a win-win!

2 – A Journal Helps Harness Your Creativity

When I journal, I crank up the tunes and get started. I love listening to Spa Music as it always seems to center and calm my spirits preparing me to begin my writing. Writing regularly can help you to memorize important information and brainstorm new and exciting ideas.

Writing about your experiences helps you to process them and allow you to see opportunities that you might not have thought about or missed. It also helps you break down complex experiences into relevant and useful information. 

Even if your day seemed uneventful, the very act of keeping a journal can help you brainstorm ideas and concepts and understand any emotional issues you encountered that day. It can lead you to a spider web of ideas, thoughts, or memories you might not have processed before you started writing. 

3 – Writing Has Practical Benefits – Even If You Are Not Creative By Nature

Keeping a journal for work can be very handy for tracking mistakes or successes that happened during your day. It can also prove to be very beneficial for documenting issues related to human resources.

Looking back over your day can also help you resolve any moral issues you might be struggling with. It can help you build better habits and forces you to be aware of your actions and behaviors too. 

4 – Improving Your IQ 

Studies show that journaling can increases your IQ by allowing you to explore language and increase your vocabulary. There’s nothing better than improving your vocabulary to keep you sharper and make you a better writer!

5 – Achieving Your Goals

This is a big one for me. I always am spot on when I journal my goals and my to-do list. Journaling also helps you to focus on your dreams, hopes, and ambitions. When you journal, it tells your brain, hey, this is important! 


6 – Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence has proven to be more important than your IQ. It’s the ability to perceive and properly manage your emotions not only for yourself but for others as well.

Being able to connect with those around you on an emotional level not only allows for a deeper connection but also allows you to deal with conflict more productively as well.

7 – Teaching You Self-Discipline

This is a tough one for a lot of us. Learning self-discipline is difficult. When you settle down to write in your journal you are, in that very act, disciplining yourself. Self-discipline is like a muscle – you have to work it! 

8 – The Art Of Self Healing 

As we stated earlier, writing can be very healing.  Dr. James Pennebaker, author of  Writing to Heal has seen an improved immune function in participants of writing exercises.

Keeping a journal can be an emotional release and lower anxiety, stress, and help you to sleep better at night. It’s also great for documenting dreams as well. Studies show when you write down your dreams, you can better examine them for interpretation and decipher what emotional stressors you experienced during the day.

9 – Self-Confidence Builder

Journaling is great for building your confidence. It allows your brain to almost relive your daily experiences. It can also release endorphins and dopamine that helps to boosts your self-esteem and elevates your mood. 

10 – Staying Organized & Hitting Your Goals

This is another big one for me. Everyone knows when you write a punch list you tend to be more successful getting stuff done. It’s also great for tracking your patterns.

The first part of my day consists of jotting down my goals and to-do list for the day. I always check off each goal I achieved as well. I get a great sense of accomplishment and that helps me to stay focused, and it’s great for my self-esteem too! 

What Journaling Medium You Should Choose And Why

OK, so, now that you’ve made the decision to start keeping a journal, your next decision will be to choose the medium for it. I’ve discovered a beautiful journal that inspires me every time I write in it. It’s called The Wanderer’s Journal – the name alone motivates me to write. 

I love the array of colors they are available in. One for your every mood. 

Getting started on my journaling adventure was easy. I created a to-list and before I knew it, I was on my way.


I am in love with the nautical theme of this journal. It makes me feel as if I’m ready for my ocean voyage into self-discovery! 

I’ve never seen such beautiful detail – every inch of this journal is exquisitely detailed and made with the finest of detail.

It’s perfectly sized to throw in my handbag too! I love taking it with me wherever I go so I’m ready to jot down all my experiences and creative ideas on the fly! 


I choose the color dark brown as featured below. Here are additional details. 


These exquisite nautical journals come with classical nautical anchor and steering wheel charms, which can be used as bookmarks, and a retro compass pattern embossed on the cover.

With their retro look, they are also the perfect gift for your loved ones! I hope you were inspired to start your journal today! I’m ready for my adventures in journaling now with this beautiful journal in hand. 


The 10 Benefits Of Keeping A Journal And How To Get Started - Sassy Townhouse Living

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  1. I honestly love the design of this journal – it touches my heart and of course I like to write.

  2. Hi Sue, thank you. I love my journal and am having so much fun with it. It’s nice to start journaling again for sure. You would love one too esp bc you love to write.

  3. These are gorgeous! Two of my grandsons recently asked me to get them journals, these are perfect. My first book Bristol boyz Stomp started as a journal after my brother was murdered.

  4. Ooh, that journal is gorgeous and would be perfect to take with me on my travels. I never seem to be able to stick to writing in a journal, although this one is so pretty, it may inspire me to stay consistent.

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