Getting Tested For Hepatitis C Can Save Your Life
I am participating in a VIN campaign for Quest Diagnostics. I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own.
I am in no way affiliated with Quest Diagnostics and do not earn a commission or percent of sales. Thankfully, we live in an era where medical screening is easy and accessible.

Hepatitis C is a serious business and it’s important to know the facts. The month of May is hepatitis awareness month and it’s essential for all of us to fully understand how it can impact our lives and that of our loved ones. And Thursday, May 19th is HepC National Testing Day! Let’s make this day count!
This health issue is one close to my heart and has directly affected my family. I’ve unfortunately seen several people (all baby boomers) I know and love suffer the effects of Hepatitis C and in two cases, things didn’t turn out too well for them. That’s why I wanted to be sure to bring this message home to you loud and clear.
If they had been screened for Hep C, they might still be here with us today. That’s why I urgently wanted to share this message with you.
The good news is that if Hepatitis C is detected early, treatment can prevent it from becoming chronic. If the disease is chronic, treatment can still slow the progression of liver damage. The problem is that many Hepatitis C symptoms are common to other illnesses. That’s why testing for Hepatitis C is so critical—and why there’s been a big advance in official health guidelines that push for more people to get tested.
Hepatitis C is a potentially life-threatening liver disease, but if caught in time, Hepatitis C is curable – and that’s great news! That fact is that baby boomers are 5X more likely to have Hepatitis C and that’s very concerning.
Below, you will find some important facts about Hep C that can save your life or the life of your loved ones. Knowing is everything!

While anyone can get Hepatitis C, more than 75% of adults infected are baby boomers, people born from 1945 through 1965. Most people with Hepatitis C don’t know they are infected. The reason that baby boomers have high rates of Hepatitis C is not completely understood.
Most boomers are believed to have become infected in the 1970s and 1980s when rates of Hepatitis C were the highest. Since people with Hepatitis C can live for decades without symptoms, many baby boomers are unknowingly living with an infection they got many years ago. Hepatitis C is primarily spread through contact with blood from an infected person.
Many baby boomers could have gotten infected from contaminated blood and blood products before widespread screening of the blood supply in 1992 and universal precautions were adopted. Still, many baby boomers do not know how or when they were infected.
3 to 5 million baby boomers have Hepatitis C, yet most don’t even know it – those numbers are astounding and concerning. The CDC is urging all baby boomers to get tested for Hepatitis C. This involves a blood test you can ask your doctor for. Be sure to ask your doctor about getting tested for Hep C!

The fact is, if you were born between 1945 and 1965, you’re at a higher risk for Hepatitis C.
With liver disease, liver cancer, and deaths from Hepatitis C are on the rise, this is something we need to take very seriously. Getting tested can help people learn if they are infected and get them into lifesaving care and treatment. It’s astounding to learn that up to 75% of people living with Hepatitis C do not know they are infected and many people can live with Hepatitis C for decades with no symptoms.
The video below explains exactly why it’s so important to get tested for Hepatitis C. Remember, knowing is everything.
Below, is a detailed infographic that explains essential facts and details about Hepatitis C you might not have known.

Hepatitis C is serious business: Know the facts
Hepatitis C (Hep C, also called HCV for Hep C virus) is a contagious form of liver disease caused by the Hepatitis C virus, which causes liver inflammation and kills healthy liver cells.
- Hepatitis C is one of the most frequent causes of viral hepatitis in the United States.
- It can range in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness.
- Hepatitis C is the #1 cause of liver transplants and can lead to cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer or even liver failure.
- Anyone can get Hepatitis C, but baby boomers (people born from 1945 to 1965) are five times more likely to be infected.

Be sure to read more about Hepatitis C and learn more about the advances in screening and care.
You can also read the fact sheet by clicking on this link – FactSheet-Boomers
My hope was to empower you with this information so will take Hepatitis C screening seriously. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor and take the steps to be sure you are protecting your health and have all the facts armed by your side. Screening can save your life.
If you are suffering from Kidney Disease please read this article too and support the National Kidney Foundation!
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And as always, thanks so much for stopping by to read Getting Tested For Hepatitis C Can Save Your Life.
So important. My youngest brother died last year from liver disease and they found out he had Hepatitis C. It was tragic as he was just a week short of 50. It could have been prevented if he had been treated.
This really is important. I had no idea how common it was. Or that Boomers were at higher risk. One thing I have to say is that I was startled out of my desk chair when that video started automatically. Whoa!
Yeah me too….sorry about that Carol. For some reason, it’s a requirement for the post. I am going to complain about it for sure. It did the same to me. And yes, it’s so important to get screened for Hep C. My Two BIL’s got it and it was a nightmare for them back then. Now, things have changed for the better with screening thank God. Thanks much
Yes Rebecca it really is. I had two brother-in-laws pass away from it years ago before all this screening awareness so I know your pain. I’m only too happy to spread the word. So sorry for your loss. I know how tragic it is. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing xo
Thanks for spreading the word. (And yeah, that video startled me when it started up, but now I don’t need to grab a cup of coffee before I go to work.) I’ve probably been tested, because I’ve got a terrific doc and have been tested for everything under the sun, but you’ve inspired me to touch base with her to make sure. Thanks for making the world a better place.
I had no idea! And I don’t know if I’ve ever been tested. Thanks for this important information. Knowing how to take charge of our own health is the key. This information will save lives.
Such a great and informative post Carolann. I didn’t realise that ‘boomer’s were at greater risk and we need to be more aware. Thank you for researching and writing such a comprehensive article on the subject – it may save lives.
Extremely important information. I knew about this previously as I had liver problems, NAFL, in the mid-00s when my health was nose-diving. I didn’t have Hep C but it is extremely important to be tested when any inkling of something not being right. Just ask your Dr. to do the tests.
Who knew? Thanks for raising awareness of such an important issue. I had no idea about any of this.
Sorry about that Roz. It was a requirement of theirs for some reason. I hope you found the information useful. I’m sure all is good as your doc seems to be on the ball. It’s such important information for sure!
Glad you found the post informative Cathy. It’s so important to be screened esp for us boomers!
Thanks much Sue. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. It’s so important esp for us boomers.
Hi Nancy, I agree. It’s such an important topic especially for us boomers. Awareness is everything. I lost two good people to this years ago. thanks much for stopping by and commenting.
Glad you found it useful Lois. It’s such an important topic especially for us boomers. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Great Public service Carolann!
My DR. told me the awareness of so many infected occurred after 9-11 when people went to donate blood or do what they could to help. One of my very good friends has it and she has stopped drinking and taking Tylenol because of it. She was asymptomatic and only found out after an old boyfriend, 20+ years prior, contacted and told her he had it.
Thanks Haralee, I never knew how important this was for boomers…everyone really. Information is everything! Have a beautiful Monday@