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Body Positivity – Self-Love & What You Need To Know

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Body Positivity – Self-Love & What You Need To Know

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the body positivity movement during that past year. It’s not only a movement but a change in mindset about how we think about our body and spirit. 2017 was a year of celebration and devoted to guiding us to self-love and acceptance. 

body positivity self love

While movements come and go – this one struck a chord deep within me, which made a positive impact on my spirit. I saw blog posts and videos detailing challenging and heartwarming stories of self-doubt and heartache. While it’s almost impossible to fathom, over 90% of these moving stories were mostly affecting women. 

While the numbers show us that up to 91% of women have a negative body image, that alone should be a telling tale. Image, over 91% of women are unhappy about the way they look and feel about themselves. Those numbers are astounding. 

body positivity self love

On a personal note, I’ve always been able to relate to feeling negative about my body type. I always felt compelled to think negatively about myself even when my weight drastically fluctuated.  Even today, I still waver about my self-image and self-love is always a battle. Just because I have a strong sense of spiritual self-love, doesn’t mean that holds true when it comes to my physical body. 

I’m sure many of you can and do relate. So, what can we do about changing all this self-loathing? Information abounds on the internet! If you really want to develop a better relationship with yourself, increase your body positivity, and self-love, just read the articles and watch the videos right? Wrong! While all the information is extremely beneficial, that’s not all we should be doing. 

It’s all about a cultural change, and a dramatic change in mindset, perception, and attitude. Luckily, the internet is a driving force for the body positivity and self-love movement. I see them as our allies. 

body positivity self love

Fashion is a huge area of contention for me and still is. Shopping for things like lingerie is always a challenge. As a large chested woman, it was always a challenge finding the right fit and style undergarments and, experiencing a negative body image while shopping was a common occurrence. 

body positivity self love

Luckily, we have online shops like knixwear.com that focus on body positivity and provide women with the tools to find the right size lingerie and feel good about wearing them. 

I always feel empowered when I see advertisements featuring full-sized beautiful women wearing stylish lingerie and clothing. At least some things are moving in the right direction! 

body positivity self love

After all, it shouldn’t matter what size, shape, color, or creed you are – we are all equal and should be treated as such. In a perfect world, maybe, but, we can always strive to achieve our lofty goals! 

body positivity self love

We are all aware how TV and magazine affect our self-perceptions but, what do we do about it? From where I stand, I don’t see much changing on those fronts, do you? Studies show that the more reality television a girl watches, the more likely she is to find appearance important. And not only important but enough to alter her diet or stop eating entirely. 

These magazines and TV shows can be extremely damaging and leave lasting negative effects on our society. 

body positivity self love

There are many organizations like thebodypositive.org that can provide valuable information and teach us the value of self-love and feel comfortable in our own skins. Since 1996 their mission is to help people value their unique identities and guide them towards liberation from self-hatred. All in the hopes they can optimize their energy and intellect to make positive changes in their own lives, communities, and beyond. 

 Even seniors are suffering from low self-esteem and anxieties about body image. Self-loathing doesn’t discriminate. It affects us all, men, women, children and the elderly alike. 

body positivity self love

Being comfortable in my skin is a daily battle; one I’m fully prepared to struggle with and conquer (or at least beat the pants off!) I don’t want to see this incredible movement pass to the wayside like so many other’s. We need to have these conversations regularly and teach our children the value of self-love and acceptance. 

Beautiful Fall Wreath

Body Positivity - Self Love & What You Need To Know - Sassy Townhouse Living

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