5 Easy Things You Can Do To Always Keep Your House Clean
Let’s face it, when it comes to cleaning, it’s never easy. Whether you live in an apartment, a large home, or a tiny home, the one thing they all have in common is they all need cleaning.

Now, You Can Easily Keep Your House Clean
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot of things to do to keep my house clean. If you are consistent about doing them, your home will remain clean and tidy. It’s important to learn some shortcuts to always keep your house clean without having to break a sweat doing it.
Basically, it’s easier to clean continuously than to clean your home when it’s a bloody mess! Instead of waiting for a mess that’s overwhelming to clean, be sure to do these easy to do cleaning tips that will always keep your house in good shape!
From time to time, life gets super busy, and I let my daily cleaning habits slip and boy, do I regret it. I’ve also added these cleaning tips to my calendar which reminds me daily and gives me the nudge I need. I also, from time to time, hire a cleaning service like the one from Melbourne Carpet and Tile cleaning – you will want to make sure you hire one of the leading carpet cleaning companies if you want the best job done!
Here are some things I do to always maintain a clean and neat home. Since I’ve established myself as a clean-freak in this post, I thought it was important to share with you just how I manage to keep my house clean.
1 – Dusting – I think dusting has to be at the top of my “I hate it” list. I can dust, and a few hours later, Bam! It’s dusty all over again. Ever since the advent of the Swifter Duster, I don’t hate dusting as much anymore. Take 5 minutes out of your day and give your furniture a quick dusting. This has truly been a game-changer when it comes to keeping my house clean.

2 – The Bathrooms – We have three bathrooms and they all get equally as messy. I grab the Glass Cleaner and Fantastic and give everything a quick once over. I can get that done within 10 minutes most days and it keeps my bathrooms in top shape.
I also learned that you don’t need expensive glass cleaners to get the job done. I’ve been using brands like Shoprite’s Glass & More and it sells for under $2.00 and you get the 2-quart size as well. Fantastic is great for cleaning and disinfecting most everything in your home.
I created a post about my favorite cleaning products – you can check out why I use and rely on them.

I also tried Hope’s Perfect Glass Cleaner for those tough glass cleaning jobs, and I have to say it works great! At times, my mirrors will get a film over them or not look as bright and shiny as they once did and that’s when I break out the good stuff.

3 – The Floors – If there’s one thing that triggers my OCD, it’s dirty floors. Over the years, I’ve discovered one key factor in keeping them clean and that’s vacuuming daily. Even if it’s a two-minute touch-up, it’s essential to do if you want to have clean floors too. I’ve tried so many cordless vacuums it would make your head would spin! I’ve settled on one I’ve been using for the past few months and love it.
It’s called the Shark Navigator Freestyle Cordless Stick Vacuum – and it’s been the best to date. I can zoom around my home and get my floors cleaned in a snap! It’s easy to use, easy to clean and picks up dirt like a corded vacuum. I only pull my full-powered vacuum out like once a month now and that’s just to do the three rugged bedrooms.

Be sure to give your floors a good once over with a mop too – Again, Swiffer has made that super easy to do with their Swiffer WetJet Hardwood and Floor Spray Mop – this WetJet is another product I can’t be without. It takes me about two minutes to do a touch-up and keeps my floors in top-notch condition.
4 – The Kitchen – We love to cook and seem to spend most of the day in our kitchen. With that comes the constant mess. I’m sure you can relate. Make sure you wipe the counters down each time you use them. Your cabinets can become a greasy mess too that’s why I always wipe down the areas around the kitchen hardware as well. Doing these few chores daily always keeps my kitchen in top shape.
The stainless steel appliances are a huge PIA to clean as well but I’ve discovered a product that works fast and easy to help me keep them clean – it’s called Sprayway Aerosol Stainless Steel Polish & Cleaner – and wow, it’s been the best I’ve used and I’ve tried several!

5 – The More Your Have – The More You Clean – Do yourself a favor and do an inventory around your home of what you really need to keep; this applies to items like decor elements and what I like to call tchotchke – it is Yiddish for knickknacks or trinkets. I’ve gone through each room evaluating what I really need or love and stowing the rest away for our yearly yard sale. Remember, the less you have, the less you have to clean.
Trust me, I love walking around my house and looking at my decor elements but it’s also important to keep things in perspective too. Only keep what you really love and get rid of the rest. It was especially difficult for us as we had a larger home before purchasing the townhouse but, it wasn’t impossible to decide which pieces to keep and which needed to go.
I hope that my cleaning tips have helped you and will make life somewhat easier when it comes to keeping your house clean. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.
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The more you have to more you have to clean…oh yes!
Great tips and now, I need to go clean lol!
Lots of fabulous tips here Carolann! Thank you for sharing!!
Hi Kim, oh yes, cleaning out some stuff made a huge difference. have a wonderful weekend and thanks much for stopping by.
lol Yuni, yep, cleaning is a huge PIA and I love cleaning tips. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the link to the Shark Vacuum that when I can, I want to get. A lot of good tips for cleaning that I like.
My biggest tip is keeping on top of clutter. Even tired I will say, you can put away ten items and it makes a big difference. My dishwasher has permanent water marks that have been here since we bought the house. I need to try the stainless steel cleaner and see if it helps.
Thanks much Sam, I love cleaning hacks…anything to make cleaning easier :) Have a great weekend!
Hi Leanna, oh yes, keeping on top of clutter is a huge factor indeed. You will love that stainless cleaner. It’s the only thing that actually works for me. Have a wonderful weekend.
Carolann xo
That vacuum is quite amazing for a cordless vac. I love it! Not a bad price either. I think I paid like $100 or thereabouts.
Hello, Carolann! I love this entry! It is very helpful. I do believe that cleaning our houses should not be as complex and these tips you have are gold! :)
– Nicky
Hi Nicky, Glad you enjoyed the post. There are so many good cleaning hacks out there that really work!