How To Easily Edit Photos Like The Pros With ON1 Photo Raw
How To Easily Edit Photos Like The Pros With ON1 Photo Raw
Now, it’s easier than ever to easily edit photos and turn them into professionally stunning masterpieces. I am not a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination and easily editing my photos into beautiful works of art with ON1 Photo Raw is more of a reason for me appreciate this photo editor.
I’ve tried so many editing tools and never could find the right one that was easy to use and had all the features and functionality I needed to edit my photos. Until now!
Be sure to watch my ON1 Photo Raw video tutorial below too!
ON1 Photo Raw is like nothing else available on the market today. ON1 Photo RAW is the world’s fastest, most flexible, and easiest to use RAW processor and photo editor available. ON1 Photo RAW is the next generation of ON1 Photo 10. It works where you want either as a standalone app, a plug-in, or host app for other editing apps.
As a blogger, it’s so important to have photos that are bright, crisp, and clear and ON1 is the way to transform your photos quickly and easily without the high-level technical know how some programs demand.
ON1 Photo Raw includes hundreds of presets too which makes editing your photos event that much easier. They also offer a huge variety of free video tutorials to get you started and keep your skills sharp as you go along.
Using the Browse module, located on the right side of the screen, you can find and manage your photos and pick which one you want to work on. ON1 makes it super easy to find the photos you need to edit. You can drag and drop folders and images right into the interface too.
Everyone who loves photography doesn’t want to spend day after day behind a screen editing them, with ON1 Photo Raw, they take the complicated task of editing your photos and make it easy to edit photos so you can spend more time doing what you love best – taking photos!
Once you have chosen the photo you want to edit, simply choose from one of the modules on the right and begin to easily edit photos.
Let’s start with Develop – Develop is new and that’s where you do all of your RAW processing. Your most common global adjustments occur here right inside of Develop.
The Develop module is where you will see all the power packed into this module right away.
There’s also a fleet of tools on the left – there’s a Crop Tool, Local Adjustment Brushes, and Retouching Tools.
4 – Let’s grab the “Retouch Brush and see how powerfully that tool is at getting rid of unwanted elements in your photos like dust marks. It’s the perfect spot removal tool!
You can easily add a new sky to this photo and so many other elements as well.
You can add Preset, Filters – In the Effects module, there are over 20 different filters that you can stack up. It works a lot like Develop there are just a lot more options you can add. You can stack them manually or add the Presets – either way, your photos will be professionally transformed.
You can also choose to use the Auto feature to edit this photo or you can choose to manually edit it.
Below, you can see my manual edits – what an amazing transformation!
I can also choose a specific area of my photo and focus on that section to make edits on. There are so many editing functions to ensure you get your photo just right! One of the really handy features in ON1 Photo RAW are the new local adjustment layers and local adjustment tools.
They are available with both Develop and Effects and shared between the two modules. They allow you to selectively apply edits or effects to certain areas of your photo.
You can see how easily I was able to lighten certain sections of this photo using Local Adjustments – With this module, I can easily choose certain areas of my photo to kick up the exposure, add contrast or saturation so easily. The power is in my hands to be able to make professionally edit photos quickly and easily.
With a few clicks, I was able to lighten the entire left side of this photo. The right side had good exposure, and I was able to hone in on the exact areas that needed an exposure bump. Now, I’m ready to add some saturation and adjust the contrast.
In this photo, I wanted to bump up the saturation in the flowers and increase the exposure of the entire left side of the photo. I was able to do this with a few clicks. That’s one of the reasons I appreciate and rely on ON1. It’s the best program to easily edit photos!
With an entire database of Presets, I can easily transform my photo into a black and white aged work of art. Amazing!
ON1 has a blog too with video tutorials and even photo contests!
The Effects module in ON1 Photo RAW picks up where Develop leaves off. It gives much more control over how you can apply effects to your photo. It includes hundreds of presets and filters to create any look or style you want with one app.
I was so excited to see how easy it is to preview different vignettes with the preview feature. There are so many stunning options to take your photos to the next level with one simple click.
Be sure to watch my ON1 Photo Raw Overview video below!

ON1 offers a Product Training library to get to off and running quickly too.
As a new student to ON1 Photo Raw, I’m learning more and more every day how to take my photos to the next level. Every time I open it, I feel closer to getting the perfect photos for all of my photo editing needs.
I hope you can start your free trial today and easily edit photos and them to places you only dreamed.
The folks over at ON1 were kind enough to supply me with a copy in exchange for my opinion. All opinions are my own and I’m so excited to own this editor. I simply love it!
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Wow this looks super powerful and handy tool. I really need to up my photo game and start learning these tools thanks so much for sharing Carolann.
Thank you Anj! I can’t begin to tell you how amazing it is. My photos will never be the same!
I never even heard about ON1 Phoot Raw before. I clicked for the free download and am very happy to use it. It looks like an awesome tool. I rarely get much effect off PicMonkey so this is cool. Your video is so good too.
Oh, it’s an amazing program Sue. I can’t tell you how it’s making such a huge difference for me. Glad you are trying it out too!
looks super intense and helpful apparatus. I truly need to up my photograph amusement and begin taking in these devices thanks such a great amount for sharing
I love ON1. As a graphic designer yourself, you must have heard of them too. Awesome product!