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Why Every DIY Project Needs The Ultimate Tools

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Why Every DIY Project Needs The Ultimate Tools 

Every DIY project requires the right tools to get the job done. You can buy or hire tools for your project. Your project is as good as the tools you have to take you there.

DIY Project Tools

I love DIY projects.  Not only do I save money by doing it myself but it’s fun and exciting to see my projects completed. I’ve learned a lot doing it myself, and the first rule I learned is you can’t get the job done without the right tools. 

The ultimate DIY and craft tools you need to purchase in 2016.

There are three steps I always follow when starting a DIY or craft project.

  • First, there’s working out how you’re going to complete the task
  • Then you need to look at the different equipment you’ll need
  • Last, you need to look at when you’re going to fit in the time in to do it (probably the hardest thing in our eyes!). When you work busy schedules and have other commitments DIY and home projects can easily be pushed to the back of our minds.

DIY Project Tools

Below, you’ll see the top tools I recommend you try this year. They work for me and are now core tools in my DIY repertoire. 

Multi-functional tools

If time isn’t on your side, buying a few multi-functional tools could be super helpful. Why? Because who doesn’t want to buy one tool instead of three, and more importantly, think about the time it could save you. It’s also a great way to cut back on costs – which when it comes to projects like these, they are always necessary to get the job done right!  Think toolsets, and drills – things you know you will get plenty of use out of. 

DIY Project Tools

Staplers/Scissors/ Knives

These are essential items for any DIY or craft enthusiast. Investing in a good stapler from somewhere like SGS engineering could be beneficial for you in the long run and help save you money searching and replacing for ones you’ve misplaced along the way.

Whether you’re a beginner looking for a weekend hobby, or more of an expert looking at turning your hobby into something bigger, small tools like these are key to building up your kit. A good craft knife shouldn’t be forgotten and can be picked up from most places, which means it doesn’t have to set you back with money.

DIY Project Tools

Sandpaper & Sanders

So you’ve got the bulk of your project underway, but you want to give it that bit more of an edge. Sandpaper has a number of uses, one of the main that it’s a great way of smoothing wood before painting. If you’re wanting to go that one step further, however, investing in a good sander could be the answer, with multiple uses, these can help speed up your time, and again won’t break the bank.

DIY Project Tools

There are a number of great tools on the market, whether you’re a novice crafter looking at getting stuck into projects this year, or you’re more of an expert wanting to take your skills to the next level, be sure to look around and see what will be the most beneficial for yourself. 

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  1. Fun post about tools. We have a lot of tools, but even so, some projects around the house require special tools so we are always buying more to get the job done.

  2. You guys must have awesome tools based on the projects you completed. I love buying them too. It’s so much fun isn’t it? I can’t wait to get some more this summer. I have a few DIY projects in the works! Thanks much Sue. Always great hearing from you xo

  3. Great tool list for sure. My sander is my favorite tool although my drill gets the most use of all.

  4. Super cool DIY tips on tools to have! Thanks for sharing such awesome tips Carolann.

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