5 Home Security Tips and Guidelines You Need To Know

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When it comes to protecting our homes, we go to great lengths to make sure it’s as secure and safe. Below, you’ll find home security tips you need to know.

More so, nearly 4,400 home burglaries occur on a daily basis in the United States. Those statistics are downright scary!

Additionally, that’s why years ago, we installed a full-scale security system in our home and now, at least we have the peace of mind we deserve.

home security tips

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Home Security Tips You Need To Think About

Most people work extremely hard to make their dream of buying a home a reality. Once you have purchased a home, you need to focus on keeping it safe and secure.

While most homeowners understand the benefits of installing wireless security systems, many fail to realize there are a variety of other things they can do to secure their homes.

The following are some lesser-known home security tips on how to improve your security system.

home security tips

Secure Your Sliding Glass Door Tracks And Door Knobs

Sliding glass doors are a great addition to any home. While these doors are appealing, they are notoriously easy to open.

Instead of leaving this portion of your home vulnerable, finding ways to secure it is a must. For the best home security, you’ll want to install these products in your home.

More so, if your home or apartment has sliding glass doors, you’ll want to install a reliable and trusted security bar on it ASAP.

Even if a burglar manages to pick the lock on the sliding glass door, they will not be able to open it due to the dowel logged into the track.

And, be sure to secure your doors as well especially if there is an access point to outside.

This Brinks Home Security Bar made of high strength 20 gauge steel, features both a non-marring top yoke and a pivoting, padded foot for a secure fit. And, it’s retractable so you can use it at home or take it when you travel, giving you peace of mind you deserve.

home security tips
Image: https://www.amazon.com

2. Invest In A Trusted Decoy Safe

However, if you are like most homeowners, you have a safe where you store important documents and valuables. One of the first things a burglar will look for when they gain entrance to your residence is safe.

If you are looking for a way to throw a thief off the scent of your valuables, a decoy safe is a great investment. As far as home security tips go, this is one of my favorites.

In order to make this work, you need to put your real safe in a hard to find a place and your decoy safe in an easy to find place.

These safes are inexpensive and a great way to keep your valuables safe in the event of a burglary.

3. Be Careful Where You Install Your Alarm Keypad

Furthermore, modern alarm systems equipped with a variety of helpful tools like digital keypads can, at times, work against our best security measures too.

There are measures you can take to safely secure your personal codes and ensure they can’t figure the code out for themselves.

Leaving the keypad in common places like near the front or back door of your home can be problematic.

Therefore, a thief could observe you for a few days and may be able to figure out the code if you enter immediately after walking into your home.

Ideally, instead of dealing with this risk, working with your security system provider to move your keypad to a better spot in your home.

There are important basics you need to remember when installing your keypad and using it safely.

There are important basics you need to remember when installing your keypad and using it safely:

  • Never write the code down or store it on your computer. A hacked computer gives them access to your keypad.
  • Create individual codes for each user – This way, it’s easy to remove a user and track their activity.
  • Never share codes with anyone regardless of the situation.
  • Update the codes at least twice a year.
  • Use codes you can remember but avoid using birthdays or events that a thief can easily guess.
  • Always train folks how to use the keypad properly and set a list of guidelines they must follow.

If you don’t currently use an Alarm Keypad you might want to think about installing them. You can program them for fire, burglary, personal emergencies, and other operations like opening your garage doors securely and easily!

Image: Amazon.com

4. Use Landscaping to Your Advantage – Home Security Tips That Rock!

Beautifying the outside of a home is easy with the addition of the right plants. If you are in the process of choosing plants to place around your home, be sure to factor in home security before making this decision.

However, doing things like putting thorny bushes under your windows will help to keep burglars away.

Be sure to consult a landscaping professional to get some guidance and direction on which shrubs best for your residence.

Ideally, the Crown of thorns, (Euphorbia) or the Firethorn, (Pyracantha) are beautiful and great for home security too. Tall trees and shrubs also make perfect home security barriers as well.

home security tips

5. Install a Key Lock Box & Security Decoys

Keeping your spare house keys under the front doormat or a potted plant is a bad idea.

That’s why you need to own a Lockbox for your keys to use outside your home.

More importantly, most criminals know these common hiding places, which is why you need to get crafty when trying to keep spare keys outside.

And, Real Estate agents use these types of lockboxes for years now and are a great idea for us homeowners too.

Similarly, the portable design offers removable “over the knob” installation. It’s easy to use and you can set your own four-digit combination for keyless convenience and increased security. 

home security tips
Photo: Amazon.com

I also recommend using a Book Safe Combination Lock to hide valuables as well. Especially, if you own a lot of books. They hide out perfectly on your bookshelf!

Photo: Amazon.com

7 – Doh! Get A Dog – One Of Our Favorite Home Security Tips

Whether you are a dog lover or not, you’ll want to think about getting a dog for home security. Trust me, you’ll come to love and appreciate your new-found pet too.

Recently, someone, I knew for years who never really thought about adopting a dog decided to for home security.

Now, she loves that pooch as her own child. She adopted him as well and he protects her with all his might!

More so, you don’t need to train your dog to attack either just some loud barking will do!

So, give it some thought! You might find your best friend in the process.

Don’t Wait to Secure Your Home

Furthermore, some homeowners tend to procrastinate when it comes to securing their residence.

The longer you wait to increase the security your home has, the harder you will find it to avoid a burglary. Put these home security tips to good use!

In conclusion, the time and effort invested in increasing your home security will be worth it.

Home Security Tips and Guidelines You Need To Know - Sassy Townhouse Living

Be sure to read 5 Burglar-Proof Measures for Home Garage Security too!

Burglar-Proof Measures for Home Garage Security - Sassy Townhouse Living

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  1. Whoa, I love your tips for security. I never thought to have a decoy safe! Very clever idea. Having a dog is a big deterrent for sure too.

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