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High-Tech Robots – Should We Use Them For Education In Schools?

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High-Tech Robots – Should We Use Them For Education In Schools?

High-tech robots are becoming a part of our daily lives and whether or not they should be used in schools is a great concern. In many schools throughout the planet, robots fulfill the role of educators to some extent successfully.

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

When programmed properly, they can deliver subject knowledge to schoolers as well as train their different skills. Endowed with incredible computational thinking, they are able to respond to almost any unpredictable stimuli and thus can easily interact with pupils of any age.

Like everything else, high-tech robots have a number of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to their implementation in the educational sphere. Experts from Amblesideprimary essay writing service have collected all the pros and cons of using robots within the school settings, and I feel they make a good case for both the advantages and disadvantages of using high-tech robots for education in schools. 

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

High-tech robots in Education: Advantages

Deliver objective information

Human teachers, like all people, can make mistakes. Even if they want to avoid making errors, they still will have all the chances to make a slip in speaking or make value judgments about a particular situation, and so forth. In education, mistakes and slips are exceptionally undesirable. From this perspective, robots are without rivals. They don’t do mistakes that are typical for all people and thus always deliver the right information.

I received my M.ED in Instructional Technologies back in 2002. There wasn’t much talk about using high-tech robots back then. It was all about using computers in the classroom and how to use them effectively. Today, teachers are under heavy pressure to ensure their students are getting the latest in 

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

Around-the-clock response

All students have their biorhythm. While some of them work better early in the morning, others become active in the afternoon or late at night. When it comes to standards of education, students cannot contact their instructors whenever they need help or something else.

Robots don’t need breaks; therefore, students can reach them whenever they want. Unlike teachers, no robot will get annoyed if someone disturbs it during lunchtime or after hours, for example. In fact, students can seek help from their virtual instructors whenever they need some assistance with ease.

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

Entertaining learning opportunities

No one said that the educational process should be dull. Students can learn not only by reading books and writing academic papers. Watching movies and playing games can be as mentally beneficial as perusing a workbook but, unlike the latter, those activities are pleasant and entertaining. The same is with robots: they can turn the learning process into a fun-filled and inspiring experience.

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

Train technology skills

Nowadays, technology is widely used in literally any sphere of our life. Therefore, for kids, it is crucial to start learning technology as early as possible. Robots teaching kids from their childhood can both show them the power of coding and motivate them to learn STEM disciplines.

Close the language gap

There are many kids of immigrants going to school with native students. International students usually face lots of problems associated with their adjustment to not only a completely new community and its lifestyle but also its language and the way natives talk.

Very often, these kids struggle with the misunderstanding of what human teachers tell during classes. More often, they are very likely to be misunderstood because of such a language gap as well. High-tech robots are a great solution at closing this gap as they can easily translate a number of languages in a real-time mode.

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

High-tech robots in Education: Disadvantages

Don’t develop themselves

When human teachers perform a particular task on a regular basis, they become better at it. And when they spend their days teaching others, they become better at their job day by day. The robots’ algorithm remains unchanged though no matter how many times they repeat a particular action. Therefore, in course of time, they don’t get any better. 

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

Trigger technology addiction

In school, children are supposed to turn their mobiles down and turn to their work- and textbooks. With robots teaching them day after day, children will not be able to live a day without technology. In fact, in a decade or two, we have all the chances to end up with a bunch of technology-addicted adults.

Consume much electricity

If an educational institution purchases robots and uses them regularly, it is very likely to have massive electricity bills to pay for. If all schools decide on incorporating those machines in their classrooms, then the country will have to spend much on covering those huge utility costs.

May cause unemployment

There are more than three million educators in the United States. And all of these teachers are worried about them being replaced by robots sooner or later. Nowadays, robots play the role of assistants for teachers; however, if their importance will increase significantly, educators will start various undesirable protests rather than grab ankles.

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

The lack of motivation

Only human teachers can give their students motivation the latter ones need so badly. Even though robots do a great job at teaching kids writing, reading, solving math problems, and so forth, they fail to deliver that touch of inspiration and motivation which can be provided by human educators only.

The students’ ability to learn from a high-tech robot hasn’t been investigated yet

For many, it is unclear whether kids will be engaged in learning and encouraged enough to gain knowledge when educators are not there.

High-Tech Robots Education Schools

Sometimes, it is the desire to impress their instructors that make most students perform well during classes. But will they be as excited to do a great job while interacting with a machine? This remains a question for many of us.

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