5 Reasons You Need To Choose An Ethical Engagement Rings
5 Reasons You Need To Choose Ethical Engagement Rings
Did you ever hear of ethical engagement rings? I’ve read a lot about them this past year, and the topic piqued my interest as it will yours. When you fall in love and are ready to purchase that special ring, be sure to empower yourself with these industry standards.
Did you know the harvesting of diamonds has a history of fueling conflict? The mining of precious metals, is at times, damaging to the environment too. Consequently, miners frequently suffer from denied fair wages and adequate health and safety provisions.
For the socially conscious couple, an ethically-sourced engagement ring is a must. And if you don’t know about them, it’s time to find out more.
Ethical engagement rings are perfect rings that provide a high-quality critical appearance. In other words, they carefully focus on legitimate human rights, fair wages, and appropriate environmental sustainability.
Ethical engagement rings designers are also mindful about sensitivity to political issues. Couples looking for an ethical engagement or wedding ring should always ask where the diamonds and gemstones were mined.
Every year this issue grows in its importance. If you are shopping for ethical engagement rings be sure to steer clear of any jeweler providing you with vague assurances.
Reasons to Shop for Ethical Engagement Rings
Below are five reasons why it is essential to consider ethical engagement rings.
They are conflict free
Ethical engagement rings are conflict-free from abuse of human rights by the mining agencies. Most miners of the minerals used to manufacture the engagement ring supply mineral directly to the manufacturer.
In the process of brutal mining, acts take place that causes bloodshed and loss of lives of the communities. The manufacturers of the ethical engagement rings invest in robust systems that monitor the workers, their wages, and prevent child labor. This ensures conflict-free conditions.
In order to protect children’s right, there are many regulations to safeguard children rights and security. The manufacturers that the suppliers of the minerals from the mining companies abiding by the local laws in the nations.
Ethical engagement rings are eco-friendly
An ethical engagement ring takes full responsibility for environmental safety by leaving a small footprint on the earth surface to protect the environment for future generations.
The prime minerals in the earth surface have vegetation cover that needs evacuation to obtain the minerals. Sometimes, they extract more than 250 tons of rocks to get a single carat of minerals in the manufacturing of the rings.
Scarred with big holes and ugly surfaces, mining causes the earth’s land to suffer leaving the land obsolete. Agricultural suffers greatly as well. Ethically obtained mineral usually deploy technology that monitors the mining process to prevent environment sacrifice and loss of bio-diversity through mining.
Uses fair labor practices
Ethical engagement rings procure its raw minerals from the companies which provide stable jobs opportunities and fair wages to their workers. Fair wages improve the living conditions of the workers. Most ethical mining companies adhere to fair local labor practices governed by the labor unions and wage unions to protect the employee’s rights.
Fair labor practices build trust between the miners and the workers to prevent civil wars and the cold wars. Most of the civil wars and cold war originate when the mining companies neglect their workers completely.
Community development
Most companies which mine mineral ethically usually finance hospitals, school, and infrastructure. They do this in all the remote locations that have the minerals. Ethical miners believe in giving back and donating the profits and opportunities to their communities. This fosters people to grow financially and professionally.
Community development initiated by the mining company fosters sustainable mining. This is because the locals feel part of the mining process and in the creation of policies that govern all the mining processes. The ethically obtained mineral ultimate goal is to support the community within the mining zones.
Mineral origin Verification
Ethical engagement rings manufacturers go through a thorough process of establishing the origin of a mineral. Some of the mining zones where mines are, abuse all human rights, engage in civil wars to get the minerals. The workers work without any single earning from the mines. Thus, many manufacturers opt for laboratory generated mineral which functions the same as a diamond.
Therefore, verifying the place of origin is essential to procure clean minerals without any form of blame. The manufacturers are quick to inform their customers about the mining process so they are aware of the legal or illegal methods.
In closing…
Above all, ethical engagement rings foster both the safety of the ring users and the laborer’s employed in the mining companies. Most manufacturers of the engagement rings obtain all the details to verify the safety of the rings. They invest in research to get ethical minerals from the suppliers to safeguard a broader market for the rings.
Newly engaged couples have a newly developed interest in ethical engagement rings and rightfully so. These rings ensure that all the international practices of commerce and business are not in vain. Next time you or a loved is shopping for an engagement ring, be sure to direct them to do the research first.
Be sure to read How To Find Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings too!