
6 Game-Changing Cleaning Hacks You Need To Know Now

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If you enjoy the benefits of a clean home, these cleaning hacks will bring you much joy and shorten the time you spend cleaning. Let’s face it. No one wants to spend all day cleaning up or organizing, but the good news is that you don’t need to.

Instead, you can enjoy the benefits of these cleaning hacks and make them a part of your cleaning routine. Conversely, you can hire a cleaning service to do the work for you. Previously, I hired a company to do the cleaning for me, and it worked out great. You can join here if you’d like to find out more information.

Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning Hacks That Work

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In the past, we had the fortune of publishing a popular cleaning article with fabulous tips and ways to organize and clean your home effectively. And with these cleaning hacks, you can implement eco-friendly ways to keep your home clean. For example, swap a few rolls out for top-rated microfiber towels instead of roll after roll of paper towels (although we love them and use them for everything).

So, let’s proceed with some of our most popular cleaning hacks so you can finally free up valuable time and spend it doing things you love instead.

Cleaning Hack

1 – The Dreaded Shower Clean

We all know the pain of cleaning our bathroom showers and struggling with the soapy film, hair, dead skin, and grime on the tub floor. Well, the good news is that you can cut the cleaning time dramatically by simply wiping the shower clean after each use. That’s right! Spray down the walls first and the bottom of the tub. Then, take a towel or some microfiber cloths and wipe the walls and floor dry before you step out.  

Ideally, instead of using paper towels, you can easily reuse these large 16 x 16 professional-grade microfiber towels. Furthermore, shoppers love them, with over 20,000 5-star reviews, and they come 12 in a pack! This way, you can use them for multiple uses around your home and clean your car. We love cleaning hacks like this one because, you can see, it’s a game-changer and so easy to do.

2 – Everyone Needs This One Inexpensive Cleaning Tool

When it comes to cleaning products, we don’t think about lint rollers, and we should! So what makes this tool so valuable for our daily cleaning routine? Above all, it’s excellent for many chores around the home, and it takes minutes to use. Of course, you can use any size lint roller, but we recommend the Scotch-Brite oversized lint roller as it covers more area and quickens your cleaning time. They even have one that’s extra sticky for pet hair!

Furthermore, we love the Smart Design Large Mega Floor Lint Roller with an ergonomic handle to clean larger areas like floors, carpets, and much more. Shoppers love them, and their rave reviews and ratings tell that story well.

So, what can you clean with a lint roller? Some examples are as follows:

  • Lampshades
  • Drawer bottoms
  • Glitter messes
  • Spot clean couches and furniture
  • Handbags, backpacks, etc.
  • Crafting messes
  • Pet hairs
  • Bed Sheets in between changings
  • Car seats, floor mats, and rugs
  • Coats and pocket cleaning
  • Curtains and Shades
  • Bathroom floors and hair mess
  • Dead bugs
  • Phone screens
  • Seat cushions
  • And more!

Moreover, the bottom line is you need a few good lint rollers in your life, and add them t your cleaning hacks list!

3 – Cotton Balls Work Magic At Removing Odor! Cleaning Hacks That Work

We all know the pain of stinky garbage cans, even when we use scented garbage bags. Well, if you grab some cotton balls and soak them in your favorite essential oils and drop them in the bottom of the pail, you can rid your kitchen of that gross smell for days.

Of course, you’ll want to place them under the bag and place them in the center for optimum effectiveness. More so, this inexpensive way to rid your home of unwanted odors works like a charm. And it’s one of our favorite cleaning hacks to date.

4 – Use Flour For Other Things Than Baking

Did you know you can use flour to buff and polish your kitchen sink? It turns out it works great, and you can avoid caustic chemicals at the same time. All you do is grab a soft cleaning cloth, wet your sink down, and gently buff the flour into your sink. Then, rinse and watch your skin glow!

Additionally, you can polish brass and copper, make modeling clay, create a safe paste for kids’ crafts and use it to repel ants from entering your house. We love cleaning hacks like this one because it saves money and is far healthier for everyone in your home.

5 – Keep Your Kitchen Smelling Great

We all know how stinky our kitchen becomes when we cook, especially with foods like fish or cauliflower. But did you know that placing some distilled white vinegar in a small bowl in your kitchen will help remove those nasty odors? It turns out that the acetic acid in the vinegar helps quickly neutralize alkaline odors. Who would have thought a simple solution like this would work like magic?

Additionally, diluting some vinegar and water and filling up a spray bottle works great too. All you need to do is spritz it around, and it will work to fight stubborn orders fast. You can also leave the vinegar in a bowl overnight in your kitchen for hard-to-remove odors. Finally, did you add a bowl of vinegar to your dishwasher, as it will batter the effects of hard water? Here, simple cleaning hacks cost pennies and work like a charm!

Cleaning Hacks

6 – Pesky Coffee Stains Be Gone! Cleaning Hacks That Work Magic

Finally, there’s an easy way to remove coffee stains from mugs and your kitchen sink. Baking soda works magic at removing these stains and is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. All you do is sprinkle some baking soda onto the bottom of the cup with enough water to create a paste. Let it sit for a few minutes and gently scrub.

You’ll watch the stains vanish, and your coffee mug will look brand new! Don’t forget to do the same for coffee stains in your sink too. Cleaning hacks like this one work magic and help you save time and money.

So, there you have it. With these cleaning hacks, you can make life easier and help keep your home spotless. We also love how environmentally friendly these hacks are and how they can help you save money and time!

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6 Game-Changing Cleaning Hacks You Need To Know Now - Sassy Townhouse Living
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