8 Easy Steps To Decluttering Your Home You Need To Know
When it’s time to decluttering your home, you want easy steps to follow that lead to a productive outcome and keep it that way. Has it ever seemed like your possessions were gradually burying you? So many people feel overwhelmed by the prospect of deciding what to hold onto and what to toss.
While downsizing can help, even the smallest steps can benefit you. Here, we’ll discuss a few easy ways to make (and keep) homes clutter-free and organized.

Decluttering Your Home Is A Process – Have Patience
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Don’t let anyone tell you decluttering your home is an easy task. It’s not! But you can do it as long as you have the patience and ambition to do so. Depending on how much you need to organize, you can discover easy steps to achieve a minimalist lifestyle and top-level organizing. It seems everyone is on board with the decluttering process, too, and rightfully so!
Furthermore, you make all the decisions about what takes place when you declutter. So, don’t feel afraid or anxious because the outcome is always beneficial for you and your family. The good news is once you start, there’s no stopping until you feel comfortable and see the job well done.
Below, we’ll look at several ways to feel good about your home again and fall back in love with your space.

Make A Place For The Essentials
Start decluttering your home by storing essentials in an easily accessible place. Doing so will remove clutter from other parts of your home, preventing discarding inadvertently essential items. For example, choose a dish or a decorative storage shelf for keys, phones, and wallets, and keep it on a kitchen shelf or countertop. It will reduce clutter, prevent hoarding, and save time looking for those items the following day.
Remember the quote by Benjamin Franklin: “A place for everything, everything in its place.” So, ideally, the passage states that every item needs a proper place, and when done using it, you should return it there. Unfortunately, one of the main reasons our home becomes unorganized and cluttered is because we don’t adhere to this principle. This is a great rule to remember when decluttering your home.
We rely on using a beautiful decorative storage shelf to house keys, mail, face masks, umbrellas, etc. And we always make sure to return them when done. So now, we know where everything is, and it stays neat and organized!

Like Follows Like
The experts often suggest grouping similar items together. Then, when someone sees how many of a particular thing they own, it becomes easier to get rid of a few of them. With this decluttering tip, you’ll end up with the cream of the crop, and the home will be less cluttered.
For example, you can use these beautiful storage baskets to declutter and keep organized things like towels, linens, blankets, and sweaters. Basically, you can use them anywhere in your home because they look decorative and functional. And shoppers love them with rave 5-star reviews! So when decluttering your home, keep similar things together, and you’ll see how fast every room looks organized.
When Decluttering Your Home, Don’t Do It All At Once
Decluttering an entire home may seem like an insurmountable task, but many people see success by doing it a few minutes at a time. Set a timer or a phone alert for 15 minutes at a time and devote it to creating a reusable donate bin. Start by gathering up old clothes, old or unloved toys, and anything else you don’t want.
Furthermore, make sure you place the donate basket right in the center of the room, so it’s a glaring reminder to complete the task. Tackling one room at a time will allow you not to feel overwhelmed. By cleaning up for just a few minutes a day, it’s possible to make a significant difference in a short time. And before you know it, your home will become a beacon of organized and decluttered light!

Work On One Area Per Day
Like other big tasks, decluttering works best when starting small. Work on a small part of the home every day, such as a shelf, kitchen cupboard, or drawer, removing things that don’t belong and organizing the rest by category. This tactic is excellent for using cluttered pantries, linen closets, and bathrooms.
If You Didn’t Wear It In Over A Year, Toss It
Typically, if you didn’t wear it in over a year, toss it. But, of course, you’ll want to donate things, especially if they are in good shape. Also, if you fall out of love with clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc., and stow them away, you won’t wear them again. So, yes, it’s time to get rid of it by selling, recycling, or donating it.
Also, once you finish decluttering your closets, turn all the hanger hooks outward. Next, replace them the other way when you wear something and rehang them. Finally, donate anything hanging on a hook that’s still facing outward after another year. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, such as designer bags and clothing. Store these carefully in well-ventilated areas.

Don’t Keep Everything—Keep the Memories Instead
Items with sentimental value are challenging to get rid of, and why should you? While it’s not necessary to eliminate everything, it’s best to assess each item’s value and see if there are other ways to hold onto these memories. Memory boxes, picture frames, and charitable donations are all good (and no-clutter) ways to honor someone’s memory.
One In, One Out
Keep the home clutter-free by removing an old item every time you purchase something new. For instance, if you’ve replaced a can opener, is it necessary to keep the old one? Donate, toss, or recycle duplicates right away, or the clutter will return.
Follow These Tips When Decluttering Your Home
Decluttering a home can be difficult, especially for those not in the habit of daily cleaning. It takes some practice, but decluttering will become second nature. Stick to the basic rules like putting things away, recycling, fixing or mending, throwing out what you don’t want, and donating the rest. Most people will find that decluttering becomes easier and more manageable by planning, taking a little time every day, and following these easy tips.
Don’t Forget To Pin Your Inspiration!

Regardless if you live in a home or apartment, we all need easy storage solutions to help us organize the clutter. Finally, you can start organizing the clutter and keep it that way.
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Carolann Iadarola
Creative Director & President
Carolann is the Creative Director & President of Sassy Townhouse Living, a lifestyle website that collaborates with companies worldwide. She received a BA in Media Communications and an M.Ed. in Instructional Technologies. She is passionate about DIY projects, cooking, baking, makeup tutorials, home decor, writing, and product and technology reviews and enjoys sharing the best of everything with her readers.
In addition, Carolann is the creator and host of a YouTube channel called Ethereal Encounters Unveiled, where she collaborates with and interviews a wide range of authors and topics.