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Beautiful Bathroom Updates You Can Do Yourself You Need To See

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When it comes to updating our homes, we all want projects we can do ourselves, right? If you are handy around the house, you can get these beautiful bathroom updates easily!

We’ve got some ideas you might have overlooked or dreamed of doing yourself!

Beautiful Bathroom Updates

Every few years or so, I got the bug to plan bathroom updates for all three of my bathrooms. Generally, I tackle one at a time and get a great sense of accomplishment when one is done and move quickly on to the next.

I’m always looking for inspiration and make sure I plan carefully exactly what bathroom updates I’m going to work on.

We love projects we can DIY and always aim to get the job done ourselves. It’s a great way to save money, I always enjoy the time I get to spend with my better half too! 

For the longest time, bathrooms have been an overlooked part of any house. Bathrooms are becoming more and more appreciated and are places where your decor dreams can come true. 

Interior designers have found several ways to upgrade a bathroom’s look in order to achieve its full aesthetic potential.

In fact, experts recommend several simple tweaks you can do on your own that can help you take your bathroom’s appearance to the next level.

1 – Adding Board & Batten 

I was so inspired by the brilliant pops of white in the two images below, that I made plans to paint two of our bathrooms vanities white, add board and batten, and buy all white accenting decor and new hardware for both bathrooms. Our half-bath was recently updated so that one is done for now. 

The board and batten always turn out stunning especially in the bathroom, and I’m so excited to get started on it.

Notice the shelving ledges above it which finished the board and batten perfectly! I’ll be sure to show you how it turns out as well as how we did it when we are done! 

Adding board and batten doesn’t have to be complicated to add to your bathroom. You can use a few boards and still create a beautiful pattern – just enough to transform your bathroom and add that extra wow factor! 

Beautiful Bathroom Updates

2. Adding or Changing the Vent Fan

If you manage to install a vent fan in your bathroom, you would be doing your walls a huge favor. Most of us shower with hot water; this means that steam is an inevitable outcome.

Now, as we will explain later on, water reacts to its surroundings, causing the formation of layers made of mold or mineral precipitates. When we shower with hot water, steam comes out; it then condenses on the walls causing the walls to get ruined.

We changed our bathroom vents a few years ago as they were getting old and cruddy. What a difference it made too! It was pretty easy to do and made a visual improvement as well!

Make sure you check your bathroom vents and add changing or adding them to your bathroom updates plans as well!

Beautiful Bathroom Updates

3. Adding Shower Doors

More often than not, people use curtains for their showers; which is not a bad idea at all. Shower Curtains are classy, delicate and cheaper than plastic, or glass doors.

Steam and excessive water can result in the ruin of other bathroom equipment, while poorly hung curtains can be a nuisance

What is wrong with curtains, though, is the fact that they can’t keep water from splashing onto the bathroom floor and they need to be changed from time to time because they can get moldy and start looking ragged.

Granted, they do the job of providing a barrier between the shower and the inside of the bathroom, but, when it comes to protecting your bathroom floor, the obvious choice; which happens to be one of the best ways to save water in the shower, is shower doors.

Beautiful Bathroom Updates

Shower doors are an easy way to stylize your bathroom, put a barrier between the shower area and the rest of the space, and finally, protect your bathroom floor, as well as, your toilet, sink and other similar items.

With the regular splashing of water, the materials used in the making of bathroom furniture tend to react with that water, which results in the formation of green or blue layers on top of the objects. Shower doors can easily prevent that.

We are adding shower doors to two of our bathrooms, and I have to say that it is one of the best decisions as far as bathroom updates are concerned.

With regular cleaning, they will last you for many years to come! And the new styles are so chic and sassy!

4. Adding Tiles around the bathtub

With the constant splashing of water during showers, it is guaranteed that an ordinary wall would just get ruined, as water would seep into the plaster.

On the other hand, ceramic tiles around your bathtub area, or your entire bathroom, can ensure you some level of protection against water, or steam damage. Not to mention, tiles are classy and extremely easy to clean up, too.

In the image below, you can see a great example of the use of tile and decorative wainscoting together which is another great alternative to tiling the walls. I love this idea as far as beautiful bathroom updates are concerned.

5. Decorative Wallpaper

We have a half bathroom on the first floor of our townhouse, and adding stunning wallpaper was the solution to one of our bathroom updates.

Make sure you do the research before you wallpaper your bathroom because wallpaper is not the solution for every bathroom. 

We decided to go with a bold floral print and the results were truly transformative and stunning! Below, you can see how a small bathroom can look larger with a big bold wallpaper print. 

Beautiful Bathroom Updates

We decided to leave one wall as an accent wall by picking up on one of the pink pastel colors in the wallpaper.

That turned out to be the perfect solution because it prevented the half-bath from looking overcrowded and helped give the bathroom look larger too!

Using bold patterns designs can work brilliantly in small spaces, so try something a bit different and be adventurous – it’s a great way to step outside your comfort zone too and the results – well, see for yourself! 

Beautiful Bathroom Updates

6 – Adding or Changing Medicine Cabinets

If you have loads of beauty products like I do, or have a large family and always run short when it comes to medicine cabinet space, then adding extra cabinets to your bathroom is the perfect solution! Adding medicine cabinets with mirrors will make your bathroom look and feel larger too. 

Thankfully, my husband has his own bathroom so I was free to design mine according to my needs.

If you have a bathroom you share or your own to do whatever you want, either way, adding extra medicine cabinets is a great idea.

7 – Adding A Chandelier 

If you want to add some luxury to your bathroom installing a chandelier is the perfect solution for any of your bathroom updates. Not only does it look like elegance, but they are great for adding more light to your bathroom too. 

Remember to do the research before adding a chandelier to your bath because there is some code you need to follow – the bottom of the chandelier must be at least 8 feet above the highest point on the tub’s edge or 3 feet beyond it.

I would have never known that if I didn’t do the research beforehand. Knowing the dos and don’ts before you install one is essential! 

Considering these options for your next beautiful bathroom updates is going to provide you with some options you might not have thought about before.

Whatever you decide to do to update your bathroom, always plan carefully and let your hard work be a reflection of your design inspirations and hard work!

Don’t forget to read Helpful Ideas To Making a Tiny Bathroom Look Bigger too!

Helpful Ideas To Making a Tiny Bathroom Look Bigger- Sassy Townhouse Living
Beautiful Fall Wreath
Beautiful Bathroom Updates You Can Do Yourself You Need To See - Sassy Townhouse Living

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  1. Thanks much, Sue. I remember we both chose the same wallpaper at the same time lol. We know what’s chic for sure :) I love that wallpaper as much as I did the day we installed it!

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