
5 Signs of High-Functioning Depression You Need To Know

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Depression is one of the most common mental health problems. But that doesn’t mean that everyone knows what it is and how it feels. When discussing depression, many of us picture a person who’s lost interest in everything and is always sad. But, it’s a good idea to know the signs so you can understand how and when to seek professional help.

On the one hand, such a picture is entirely realistic because severe depression can look like this. But, on the other hand, all people are different, so that they may have various symptoms. Besides, depression can be more or less severe.


The Myths About Depression

There are many myths about depression, and unfortunately, some common misconceptions may prevent people from recognizing symptoms before they get worse.

If you’ve heard the term “high-functioning sociopath,” it might not surprised you of the concept of functional depression. Many mental health disorders vary in severity. For some people, mental illness becomes why they can no longer enjoy simple everyday activities, whether it be working or having lunch with friends.

However, some people manage to stay active despite all the challenges associated with their mental health problems. Is it the case with this condition?

What Is High-Functioning Depression?

High-functioning depression, or functional depression, is a common term used when referring to people with depression whose symptoms aren’t apparent to others. For example, some people with it don’t appear sad. Instead, they go to work, hang out with their friends, and behave just like everyone else.

Depression isn’t always wholly destructive. However, “functional depression” isn’t an accurate diagnosis. It’s instead a buzzword, and many psychologists note that this term can be misleading. The official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) doesn’t feature high-functioning depression.

Nevertheless, there are different forms of of this condition, and some of them are less debilitating than others. While there are no such things as functioning depression or smiling depression, persistent depressive disorder is a real thing. And a person diagnosed with this disorder may not always be in a bad mood.

What Persistent Depressive Disorder Is

Moreover, persistent depressive disorder might be the correct diagnosis for people with this disorder who appear healthy. This disorder has symptoms that last for at least two years. And in this case, lengthy periods of depression can follow periods of our everyday mood.

Some of the most common symptoms of persistent depressive disorder are:

  • Sleep problems (oversleeping or insomnia);
  • Difficulties with decision-making;
  • Problems with concentration;
  • A lack of appetite or overeating;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Fatigue;
  • Feeling of worthlessness, guilt, or hopelessness.

People with persistent depressive disorder may not look depressed because they have periods of everyday mood between negative thoughts and depression. Usually, these positive periods last less than two months. Unfortunately, people with this disorder are also more likely to develop a major depressive disorder.

People with this condition may smile and perform their regular activities. Let’s look at the signs of depression that might mean that you need help. Fortunately, medical doctors can treat this disorder. For instance, you can try online therapy and talk to a licensed therapist with no need to drive to their office.


Top 5 Signs Of Depression

Below, we’ll look at some of the top signs of depression and their effects.

1 – Losing Interest

Depression can prevent you from enjoying things that you used to love. Whether it be your hobbies, sports, or hanging out with your friends, depression can take the joy out of the equation.

More so, it can even make you lose interest in sex and romantic relationships. As a result, you may avoid social situations and fun activities, feel exhausted, lacking the motivation to get out.

2 – The Feeling Of Hopelessness

Depression can also have a significant negative impact on how you think, in general. For example, you may constantly focus on the negative aspects of everything that happens around you and develop a hopeless outlook on your life.

People with depression often feel worthless or guilty for no reason. Depression can negatively affect a person’s self-esteem, not letting them recognize the positive aspects of their life.

Severe depression may also result in self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Therefore, it’s essential to recognize the symptoms and begin treatment as early as possible to prevent the further development of the disorder.

If you have suicidal thoughts or consider self-harm, be sure to contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

3 – Irritability

If you quickly become irritated, this can also be a symptom of depression. However, according to research, this symptom is more common among men, who are less likely to recognize it and seek therapy.

Along with irritability, depression can also lead to substance abuse and risky behavior. If you realize that you’re developing unhealthy coping behavior, the best solution is to seek professional help.

A licensed therapist can help you understand what causes such behavior and address the roots of the problem. A therapist can also suggest effective anger management practices to help you get back on track.

4 – Overeating Or Decreased Appetite

Depression may affect people differently, and it often impacts their appetite and weight. For example, some people might overeat to cope with the symptoms of depression, while others may lose their appetite and, as a result, lose weight.

If you realize that your eating habits and diet change involuntarily, this might result from mental health issues, including depression.

5 – Loss Of Emotional Control

Not only can depression change the way you think, but it can also interfere with your emotions, causing mood swings. For example, people with depression may have outbursts of anger followed by tears and have a hard time controlling their emotions.

Final Thoughts

Depression can take different forms. For some people, it becomes why they no longer can do their regular activities, affecting their career and personal lives. Mild depression, however, can be less obvious to others while still having a negative impact on the overall well-being of a person diagnosed with it.

It’s essential to recognize the symptoms of depression before they get worse. There are several types of therapy for depression, and you can improve the quality of your life if you seek professional help.

Traditional in-person therapy requires you to be present in a therapist’s office, so it may not be a convenient option for people with tight work schedules. However, online therapy platforms like Calmerry allow you to get the necessary help remotely from the comfort of your home. Learn more about therapy to prepare for your first session.

Self Care Day

How To Take The Best Guilt-Free Self Care Day

You can discover healthy ways to treat yourself to a guilt-free self care day and schedule them accordingly. But, more so, it’s essential for your mental health and so show yourself the love you deserve.

The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health programs. Sassy Townhouse Living and authors are not responsible for any adverse effects resulting from your use of or reliance on any information or products contained in any article on this website.

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