What You Need To Know About Servicing Your HVAC System
HVAC system servicing is an essential part of ensuring your system stays in good shape for years to come. And it’s necessary to keep it in top condition. For years, industry professionals have used the term HVAC. Now that the concept is commonplace, you will find search engines littered with “What is HVAC” searches.

Why HVAC System Maintenance Is Essential
HVAC is an acronym industry officials use for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. HVAC is responsible for the heating and cooling of a building. More so, it allows moisture to escape the air by providing a source of proper ventilation. They come in various shapes and sizes and offer different benefits depending on their designs and spaces.
Above all, with the passing of my husband recently, the house maintenance falls on my shoulders, and what a lesson! I knew I had to schedule HVAC system servicing, and that’s just what I did. Fortunately, I have a maintenance plan, and they allow two checkups a year – one for the heating system and one for the AC unit.
Energy Star states that an HVAC system should service it twice a year to keep it running as efficiently as possible. In addition, Houston Heating & Cooling Services recommends that you service your cooling system before summer and heating system before winter to prepare your establishments for the weather changes.

What is Indoor Air Quality?
Indoor air quality consists of any indoor pollutant that releases gasses and particles into the air. Data acquired by the EPA shows that the average home has between 2 and 5 times more pollutants than outside air.
In addition, keeping your HVAC system serviced will assist in the overall indoor air quality. And it’s essential to keep the air quality in your home and establishment for the health and general wellbeing of each person.
Furthermore, it’s essential to invest in a good air purifier to keep the air in your home clean and pure. I use the EnviroKlenz Air System Plus, and there’s a massive difference in my home’s air quality. Of course, HVAC servicing should include changing the air filters in your unit.

Poor Indoor Air Quality Could Lead To Pressing Health Issues
Poor indoor air quality can harm your health and the health of your family members. Inadequate ventilation can worsen the air quality, resulting in respiratory tract infections, dizziness, eye infections, memory impairment, headaches, and many other complications. The young, elderly, chronically ill, and those suffering from heart and lung complications can most experience this. Poor indoor air quality is also detrimental to those who have asthma.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), an estimated 262 million individuals have asthma. When triggered, one’s asthma can be severe and life-threatening. In addition, inferior indoor air quality can produce mold, pests, nitrogen dioxide, dust mites, chemicals, wood smoke, and pet dander. These aspects can trigger asthma and worsen an asthma attack or symptoms.
Finding a reliable company to provide relief to you and your family is necessary. Those who suffer from allergies by ridding your home of dust, mold, mildew, viruses, bacteria, and pet dander significantly benefit from quality service. The goal is to invite an overall improvement in the air quality of your home for better health and way of living. That’s why HVAC system servicing should remain a priority.

How to Improve Your HVAC System Air Quality: Everything You Need To Know
Source Control, Improved Ventilation, and Air Cleaners are three essential sources to improve indoor air quality. Source control eliminates or reduces sources of pollution. And improved ventilation increases the amount of outdoor air flowing through the home. Finally, air cleaners collect and remove pollutants from the indoor air.
HVAC vs. AC: What’s the Difference?
A simple answer: there is no real difference between them. In condensed terms, air conditioner units condition the air. HVAC units cool or heat the air while simultaneously punching moisture out via air vents. Air conditioning is a subsection of HVAC. The acronym and air conditioning are synonyms. They have units that primarily focus on moving air through space for homes and businesses.
Moreover, HVAC units come in different sizes and shapes that serve their purpose. Units may include a combination of:
- Boilers
- Ducts and Moisture Vents
- Air Conditioning Units
It is important to note that not all HVAC units are air conditioning, although under the same umbrella. HVAC acts as an umbrella term that applies to different verticals of interrelated air control systems.
Furthermore, as we gradually move into a realm of better air control systems for all spaces, it is imperative to be well versed and informed about HVAC units and which is the best choice for you. Unfortunately, even with dozens of options available, it can be quite challenging to decipher what you need for your home or establishment.
HVAC units often work alongside other components but may work independently in some cases. These “combined systems” include both central heating and AC systems. As a result, HVAC does more than just heat and cool the space you work and inhabit in. The system can completely transform your indoor air quality for the better.
Additionally, according to ACSUK, HVAC systems are accessible in several versions; however, they have common essential build concepts. In addition, the ideas start from the outside instead of the inside. For example, the fresh air entering an establishment is sourced and brought in from outside the “ventilation” process. More so, you can achieve this in a couple of ways, as mentioned below.

Natural Ventilation and Mechanical Ventilation
Natural Ventilation – The process of ventilating your home or business without the use of add ons, specialized equipment, or construction. This type of ventilation is most present in homes at any entry and exit point in the house.
In addition, when natural air from outside moves through the doors, windows, and vents on its own accord. Natural air ventilation is critical in replenishing your home or business’s oxygen levels, removing odors, diminishing excess moisture in the air, and filtering out carbon dioxide.
Mechanical Ventilation
Mechanical ventilation involves using automated systems to transport air in and out of the building. The old-fashion architectural design of homes and establishments allowed natural ventilation to be accessible.
However, modern architectural design has changed into a contemporary style over the years. Contemporary builders opt to create tightly sealed homes. This design philosophy is most suitable for mechanical ventilation and showcases the importance of HVAC systems.
An air inlet unit with a unique design will enter the building via the filter and is routed in the spaces needed the most. The air inlet will precisely remove dust, dirt, allergens, and other particles from the air. This process is also great for removing excess humidity from the air.
We hope this helps clarify some confusion about your HVAC system. And it has provided you with the essential info you need to keep your units in top shape.

Summertime Home Maintenance Checklist What You Need To Know
Before winter ends, it’s essential to perform a home maintenance checklist to ensure your home is summer-ready and safe. While we all can’t wait for the warmer weather, we need to attend to our homes’ safety and curb appeal.