
How To Take The Best Guilt-Free Self Care Day

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You can discover healthy ways to treat yourself to a guilt-free self care day and schedule them accordingly. But, more so, it’s essential for your mental health and so show yourself the love you deserve. Let’s face it. We live in stressful times, and anxiety and depression rates continue to soar. That’s why it’s more important than ever to enjoy a self care day!

Self Care Day

Self Care Day Every Month

Typically, we celebrate self care day every January 24, but I say we need to treat ourselves to once a month! Too often, we tend to take care of everyone else and forget about ourselves. Dealing with the daily stress of everyday life, a guilt-free day of self-love is a must. Plus, many of us deal with personal issues like losing a loved one or a divorce.  

For example, as experts from Survive Divorce state, divorce and separation create highly stressful situations for everyone involved. But unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate stress. And it remains a common issue that, to some extent, affects all of the human population.

As you feel the societal pressure to succeed in every area of life, you might drive your body to its limits. However, it is essential to recognize the importance of self-care and give yourself a much-needed break to recharge your internal batteries. As you can see, the topic of self care reaches all social media platforms, and everyone talks about it.

IV treatment in LA is one of the ways to recharge your internal batteries as it can help to improve your energy levels, mood, and overall health aslo can  reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

Additionally, you see it as the topic of articles or hashtags on social media. But what exactly is self-care, and why is it so important? In this article, you will find answers to those questions, and you will learn what exactly you can treat yourself to the self care day you deserve.

Self Care Day

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is essentially the act of taking care of your mental and physical health by practicing positive and healthy habits. It is a concept spreading rapidly across social media, magazines, and blogs. But it is the type of care that everyone needs to practice from time to time. And you should make sure you schedule a self care day as it’s essential for your overall wellbeing.

The term “self-care” is very prevalent in the mental health community, and it encompasses more than just going to the spa. Of course, each of us is different, so what you consider to be self-care may differ from someone else. What is important is that you find ways to properly take care of yourself and make sure you are doing things that help you relax and recharge.  

It is also crucial that the particular form of self-care is a source of gratification. While some activities are beneficial for the body, they might be something you dislike doing. For example, if you hate exercising, you won’t get much satisfaction from running in the park, and it will be an unpleasant chore.

Benefits Of Loving Yourself

Our busy lives can be stressful, and we often resort to unhealthy habits to cope with stress and pressure. Self-care is the opposite — it is a source of relaxation and wellbeing, offering some key benefits.

These include:  

  • Reducing anxiety: As you work day and night, you might forget to take breaks and recharge your batteries. Stress and anxiety are common side effects of overworking, and they may affect your emotional wellbeing. By practicing self-care, you can reduce anxiety and increase your emotional resilience.
  • Increasing happiness: When you practice self-care, you will likely feel happier and healthier. Moreover, taking care of yourself will improve your overall self-esteem and allow you to get more out of life.
  • Boosting energy levels: It is common to feel exhausted and drained after a long day at work or school. Self-care will help you regain your energy by replenishing your body with much-needed nutrients and offering you to do something you love.
  • Helping you prioritize: In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to focus on everything at once. However, understanding the importance of self-care allows you to prioritize your goals. More so, you can ensure you don’t compromise them for your goal setting.
  • Raising productivity: When you take care of yourself, you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, which allows you to be more productive. Besides, we all know the importance of feeling adequately rested and relaxed, allowing you to concentrate on your tasks.

Taking a self care day doesn’t require a complicated set of tasks. Instead, your self care all depends on what makes you happy and relaxed. More so, try not to let anyone step in the way of your special time. Unfortunately, you might find some people in your life wanting to prevent you from the self-love you deserve. So it’s always a good idea to stand your ground and acquire support from those around you.

Best Practices For Self-Care

How you practice these concepts will depend on several factors, for example, as your current life circumstances and personal preferences. However, some standard practices are beneficial for everyone. But, again, everyone’s needs are different, and you should always include things that bring you joy.

These include:  

Exercising – During exercise, you release endorphins that improve your mood and leave you feeling relaxed. You do not need to go to the gym every day or run a marathon, as even a 15-minute walk can be enough to see noticeable benefits. For instance, you can do some exercises at home or when you’re outside in a park.  

You can also join an exercise class if you want more support or motivation to get active. Exercising does not mean doing an intense workout session that leaves you breathless; it can be as simple as taking a walk or doing some stretching exercises.

Getting Enough Sleep – If you are working or studying hard, the chances are that it might be difficult for you to get eight hours of sleep every night. However, making time for rest is essential in reducing stress levels and helping your body recover from the daily stresses of life.

Moreover, adequate sleep ensures that your brain functions as well as possible — it helps with learning new things and retaining information.   Ideally, you should aim for eight hours of sleep every night. However, if that sounds impossible to achieve, try adding an extra half hour to your bedtime routine each day until you reach eight hours of sleep per night.

Making Time for Friends – For most people, having a busy schedule means not having much time socializing with friends and family members. But as mentioned above, you need to fight against stress by taking care of yourself — including surrounding yourself with people who love you.  

With your friends’ support, you will overcome the daily challenges. That is why you should make sure that you find time for socializing, whether going out with your friends or inviting them over for dinner on a weekend evening!

Self Care Day

A Self Care Day Can Include

Of course, as mentioned above, everyone’s concept of a self care day looks different but here are some great ideas.  

  1. Learn How To Meditate
  2. Treat Yourself To Self-Love Gifts
  3. Create A Skincare & Makeup Routine
  4. Include A Nature Walk
  5. Soak In A Bath With Your Favorite Aromatherapy
  6. Visit Your Favorite Bakery And Treat Yourself To Your Favorite Goodies
  7. Listen To That Podcast You Swore You Play Daily
  8. Light Your Favorite Candles
  9. Drop The Kids Off At The Babysitters For A Few Hours
  10. Learn Something New!

While those are just some of the things you can enjoy, make a list of your favorites and plan your special day!  

Final Thoughts

It is easy to forget about self-care when dealing with the stress of everyday life. However, you need to ensure that you take care of yourself to enjoy life fully. That does not mean you should avoid stressful situations or put your career on hold.

Instead, it is essential to implement self-care into your life so you can avoid burnout and exhaustion, which are common side effects of overworking and not taking breaks.  

By experimenting with different self-care practices and finding out what works for you and your lifestyle, you will find a way to relax. Moreover, following the steps we mentioned above will reduce anxiety and bring more happiness into your life.

Things I Love

This month, sharing the best of everything includes seven new things I love and you need to see! Of course, reading comprehensive reviews is always my go-to for discovering new products! But, if you are like me, you want to get a good feel and visuals before purchasing. 

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