
Best Gifts A Hospital Patient Needs (And What To Avoid)

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It’s not always easy shopping for a hospital patient. In fact, searching for the best gifts can be stressful as well. Visiting a friend or family member in the hospital with a gift in tow always brings much joy!

At times, it’s challenging to know what a hospital patient needs and also can enjoy. Once you make the right decision, you can feel confident you choose the perfect gift!

Best Gifts Hospital Patient

What A Hospital Patient Wants And Needs

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Above all, we want to get our special hospital patient what they need and will enjoy. Not long ago, I had to make this difficult decision when visiting a friend in the hospital. I remembered pondering all day what some of the best gifts I could bring to her were.

First, I compiled a list of things she would want and need and what to avoid. However, this made deciding very easy, and with the list in hand, I chose the best gift possible.

Below, let’s take a look at some of the best gifts to bring a hospital patient and some you should avoid.

1 – Flowers & Houseplants – Always The Perfect Gift

While it seems cliché, flowers typically always make for the perfect gift to bring a hospital patient. If the patient is a family member, it’s easy to know what their favorite type of flowers are. If you are not sure, you can always pick some of the most popular flowers and stay on the safe side.

First, call the hospital to ensure you can bring flowers. Some hospitals prohibit them due to allergies and scent sensitivities. You can always buy allergy-free flowers, but it’s a good idea to check first.

Above all, be sure and check the flowers for any bugs or debris. It’s a good idea to rinse them beforehand. You can also look for flowers with woody stems. These types of flowers resist sogginess and require less watering. Also, keep the arrangement small and look for a front-facing vase as well. Try and avoid glass or ceramic vases if possible as well. Look for a tin or metal vase as they don’t break and shatter when dropped.

You can also think about a beautiful houseplant instead of flowers. Houseplants last longer, and the hospital patient can take them home to enjoy when released. Plus, they help provide much-needed oxygen and help reduce air pollutants too!

Also, you can always gift them beautiful Artificial Flower Arrangements. Flowers like these will last forever and again, and they can take them home to enjoy. When it comes to flowers, you can rest assured they will make your hospital patient smile.

2 – Snacks For Your Hospital Patient

Let’s face it; everyone loves snacks. But, it’s essential to check with the hospital staff to ensure your hospital patient can safely eat them. Once you confirmed they could indeed eat snacks, we have a list of some great ideas for snack food.

You can choose some healthy fruits like grapes, oranges, pears, berries, etc. And everyone loves delicious chocolates too.

You can also pick up a lovely pre-made hamper or have it delivered to the hospital as well. Sometimes, we make it to the hospital to visit and still wish to send a present. In terms of hamper delivery, Sydney has many options available. This type of service is trendy and accessible, regardless of your location.

Additionally, once you acquire permission for snacks, you can bring some comfort food to your hospital patient. Think about some delicious muffins, warm and comforting soups, or even some mac and cheese! If you have a good understanding of what foods they like, make a list and bring some of their favs!

3 – Books and Magazines – Always A Favorite

I always like to put myself in a hospital patient’s shoes and think of some of the best gifts I would like to receive. And what comes to mind first, books, and magazines for sure. Highly recommended books are the perfect way to pass the time and learn something new!

More so, we all know how completely boring lying in a hospital bed for what seems like endless days feels. You can’t go wrong with some good books and magazines. To show your level of thoughtfulness, don’t grab one from the gift shop. Shop for books at a local store and make sure and wrap it as well.

Best Gifts Hospital Patient

4 – Much Needed Pajamas, Robes, and Slippers

Even at home, we all need pajamas, robes, and the most comfortable slippers. Of course, you should have a good idea of what size to purchase as well. Once you have the sizes down, they make brilliant gifts for any hospital patient.

Personally, I always prefer to go with slippers when gifting someone in the hospital. I think it’s a safe choice and one they will love and appreciate. A nice comfortable bathroom is a great option as well, but it depends on their medical condition. At times, a patient can’t wear robes or pajamas and must remain in hospital attire. It’s a good idea to think about these things before purchasing a gift for someone in the hospital.

When it comes to slippers, you want to get comfortable slip-on slippers so they can easily slide their feet into them with ease. This Slip-On Memory Foam Open-Toe Slides with a cozy terry lining are perfect for women and super easy to take on and off.

And these Non-Slip Memory Foam Slippers are the perfect gift for men. Plus, they are easy to slide on and off, and they even wear them outside. It’s always a good idea to think of gifts that are versatile and don’t cost a fortune. You always want to think about safety for your hospital patient, especially when they are feeling in a weakened state.

Image: Amazon Slip-On Memory Foam Open-Toe Slides

5 – Music Always Makes A Wonderful Gift

As you know, most everyone loves the gift of music. If you don’t know what type of music your hospital patient will like, it’s safe to give them something soothing and relaxing. Spa or New Age music will help them in their time of stress and help relieve anxiety.

By the way, don’t forget some good yet inexpensive headphones to go along with the tunes. Headphones will allow them to listen at any time of day or night without disturbing others.

Gifts You Want To Avoid For Your Hospital Patient

Of course, there are certain things you always want to avoid when bringing your hospital patient gifts. I must say, I have witnessed some truly awful gifts over the years, and it’s a good idea to avoid them.

With younger patients, pranks of any kind are totally unactable. Even if you think they will get a good laugh from them, for their health, you must avoid them.

Also, avoid gifting tight-fitting clothes for your hospital patient even if they wore them before admission. Things can change when you have a hospital stay, and you don’t want to risk ill-fitting outfits.

Try not to gift anything that will upset the patient as well. Always make sure you put a lot of thought into gifts and ask a close friend for a second opinion. Gifts like makeup aren’t a good idea to give someone in the hospital as well. When you feel sick, the last thing you want to do is apply makeup.

Moreover, it’s essential to purchase gifts that show thought and care. You don’t want to choose a gift willy-nilly as your friend or family will know you did.

A Hospital Patient Needs (And What To Avoid) Sassy Townhouse Living

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