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Why You Absolutely Need An Awesome Paint Sprayer

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 Why You Absolutely Need An Awesome Paint Sprayer

If you’re not using a paint sprayer it’s time you did! A good paint sprayer makes every paint job easier and gives you the professional results you want. I’ve tried a few paint sprayers in my day and, I am so excited to say this HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max is amazing! If you are in the market for a paint sprayer that’s easy to use, easy to clean up, and does an amazing job then this one is for you!

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

I literally painted a small table in about one minute! It was that quick and easy. This paint sprayer is literally plug-and-play. There aren’t any complicated instructions, no moving parts to put together. It’s so easy to set up and get started. That’s one of the reasons I love it so much. I have so many pieces of furniture to paint, and I know using this sprayer is going to make these projects go smoothly and come out perfectly.  

First, I’d need to tell you about another terrific product from HomeRight. It’s their spray paint shelter.  If you are looking to protect your home and items from paint then you need to get one too. It’s great for outdoor use as well and comes in a handy portable bag for storage as well. 

Below, you can see how compact it is and easy to stow away. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Shelter

These are the rods that will hold your shelter in place. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Shelter

This is how the with the HomeRight Spray Shelter looks after assembly. It’s designed to reduce overspray drift.  It provides an area for you to spray paint or stain and keep the overspray contained. The tent-like structure is designed to help limit overspray drift associated with spraying paint or stain outside. It’s the perfect way to protect your items and makes painting so much easier because of it. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Shelter

Now, let me tell more about the Finish Max Paint Sprayer. Did I tell you it was awesome, amazing, out of this world and super easy to use? Well, it is. I was so thrilled to be able to set it up in no time and clean it in even less. It’s truly the perfect paint sprayer. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

The plastic bag above to the left of the photo is a cleaning kit for the paint sprayer. The plastic bag to the right is the paint viscosity tester. The paint cup is very large to make sure you don’t run out of paint easily. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

This paint viscosity tester that comes with the Finish Max Paint Sprayer is designed to make sure your paint will spray correctly and time the run out of your paint. It’s a handy little funnel to help you test your paint’s viscosity.  All you need to do is fill it to the top and then use a stopwatch like the one on your smartphone to time how long it takes to completely drain. If it drains between 25 to 40 seconds that means your paint’s viscosity is perfect and you are ready to get started. If it drains out slower than that you need to thin your paint out some. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max
Paint Viscosity Tester

Filled with paint, I’m ready to go! It’s that easy. Fill it up, plug it in, choose the type of spray you need and get started. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

The paint container cleans out so easily. No disposable liners to worry about either. It’s made large enough so you don’t have to worry about constantly refilling it. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

The three-way spray setting gives the user precision control. For spraying up and down, align the tabs to the vertical position. Rotate the tabs to a horizontal position for spraying side to side. To spray irregular surfaces, adjust the tabs to a 45-degree angle, and you’ll get maximum control by regulating the paint flow. Adjusting the trigger control knob can change your spray pattern from 1” to 6” wide.

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

Here’s the little table I painted in about one minute. Yep, it was that fast. My husband loves to use this table for poker night and it really looked scrubby and needed a coat of paint.  

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

The results are smooth and streakless. It took about two passes to get full coverage. Be sure to visit HomeRight’s tutorial page for videos and more product information. It was very bright out when I took the before photo but trust me, that table was in need of paint. 

HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

The sprayer was so accurate. As you can see from the photo, the paint spray didn’t even reach to the outside of the towel. Now, hubby has a cleanly painted table for his poker night snacks! And, in about one minute too. 

Here are some specs for the HomeRight Paint Sprayer Max

Included in Box:

  • Finish Max Sprayer
  • Viscosity Cup
  • Air Nozzle
  • Cleaning Brush


  • Adjustable 3-way spray cap offering horizontal, vertical and circular spray patterns
  • 120 Volts
  • 60 Hz
  • 400 Watts
  • 2.76 lbs.
  • 34,000 RPM Motor Speed

I hope you get to enjoy this paint sprayer as much as I am. I have so many projects lined up and can’t wait to get them started! 


Now, for the GiveAway!

Why You Absolutely Need An Awesome Paint Sprayer & HomeRight Finish Max

You can win one HomeRight Finish Max Fine Finish Sprayer courtesy of the folks over at HomeRight. 

Please Note: HomeRight will be shipping the winner the product. Once a winner is chosen, I have nothing further to do with the shipment of the prize. 

18 or older to enter please. US only and excludes Alaska and Hawaii 

Good luck! 


Let me know if you have any questions. You can leave them below. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Why You Absolutely Need An Awesome Paint Sprayer & HomeRight Finish Max

And as always, thanks so much for stopping by! If you like this post, Why You Absolutely Need An Awesome Paint Sprayer, subscribe via email below and never miss a post again!Carolann Drangonfly logo

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  1. I entered so I am hoping along with others that I win. This would solve my problem. I keep looking at a paint project I want to do but the thought of manually doing it would take a few days.

  2. Sorry I missed the giveaway, but I am happy to know about this spray painter and especially the tent which we could use an idea like that around here too.

  3. Hey Carolann,

    Paint Sprayer does really good. Can’t wait to have it soon! Hope to see another chances of giveaways from you guys. This post does helped me a lot!


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