
The Quirkiest Decor I’ve Ever Seen In A Beautiful Home. Must See!

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The Quirkiest Decor I’ve Ever Seen In A Beautiful Home. Must See!

I love sharing home tours of beautiful houses, especially for inspiration, but when I saw this home, I hurried to share it with you all because of its quirkiness.

I think the oddest thing about this home is the placement of mannequins in almost every room. Yes, you heard me right, mannequins! It’s a stunning home. From the external architecture to the design of the rooms to the beautifully designed landscaping – but the inside – well, that’s another story. It’s located in Richmond, Texas and sits on 2 acres. 

I will let the images tell the story. There’s a lot to see so fasten your seatbelts, grab a cup of java and enjoy! 

beautiful home

The annotation below is directly from the real estate site. It’s interesting to see they described the owner as an artist. I guess that word is up for interpretation for sure!

“This is a beautiful estate home, located on Jones Creek, just off FM 359. Guests have ample room to park around the circle drive while the owners take one of the 4 garage bays around back. From the moment you enter you will know an ARTIST lives here.”

Enter into this paradise via the electronic gate. The crepe myrtles are in full bloom. You will love all the hidden gems here. Come on in! Oh, look – there’s a “friend” waiting for you at the gate! #creepy #arist? #neveratnight 

beautiful home

Ok, so this is where it starts to get “interesting”. You can see the first signs of their friendly neighborhood mannequin waiting to welcome you at the top right of the upstairs foyer. Creepy or what? The portraits up the staircase would have been nice if weren’t covered with – well – junk!  

beautiful home

The living room is a large and beautifully spaced room. Too bad a hoarder lives there! 

beautiful home

Another creepy mannequin awaits you at the end of the foyer. The artwork I can deal with – even though it’s not my preferred taste. You can see (well – barely!)  the detail in this home is quite stunning. Everything from the walls to the flooring is all high-end.  

beautiful home

I guess going to sleep at night is never lonely for this homeowner. There’s a “friend” always keeping watch. Creepy! We all love home decor but this has gone too far! 

beautiful home

This is one of the secondary bedrooms with vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, nice walk in closet and a study area off to the side. The real estate agent mentions nothing about the creepy mannequin sitting watch by the window. What a substantial hoard! 

beautiful home

The bathroom looks like it’s large and has potential. It’s described as “This is one of the Jack-n-Jill baths upstairs”. Who knows, maybe there’s a mannequin sitting on the bowl! 

beautiful hom

I used the word quirky to describe this home – which means, characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits. I think I nailed it. Here, we have a mannequin roller skating on the ceiling. OK then! You can see there’s also something creepy peeking in from the patio door. I wouldn’t want to be in this room at night that’s for sure! 

beautiful home

Another beautifully designed room – the crown molding is stunning – and yet another hoard and another creepy “friend” staring at the Christmas tree. Tchotchkes (a small object that is decorative rather than strictly functional; a trinket.) all over the place! I’d lose my mind in this house and probably never be able to find it! 

beautiful home

OK – this is where the homeowner lost me! A mannequin at the kitchen island – that’s really creepy. And he’s a cowboy it seems! I guess dining alone is out of the question. I used the word “creepy” a lot because that’s exactly the feeling I get from these rooms. 

beautiful home

The kitchen is truly a beautiful space. I think it’s the only room in the entire home that’s tolerable – aside from the cowboy that is. 

beautiful home

Off with her head! I guess this was in the literal sense. 

beautiful home

The rest of the photos speak for themselves. No words needed! 

beautiful home

Well, maybe a few more words – this dude in the bathroom cracks me up. At least he is a handsome mannequin and looks like he’s in the mood for a nice shower! 

beautiful home

You get to have a butler too! 

beautiful home

And a maid! How lucky! 

beautiful home

They are a physically fit homeowner too which is nice. I guess they have lots of guests to impress ha! 

beautiful home

And what would a home be without grandpa playing the accordion? 

beautiful home

Now, this a conversation I can handle between me and my husband. One where neither one of has much to say or an argument is ever to be found! He’s not that great at pillow talk though. :) 

beautiful home

Oh yes, I’d love to have that creepy mannequin watching me while I’m trying to relax. Perfect! 

beautiful home

The grounds are indeed lovely. I wonder if there are mannequins waiting to pop out from behind the trees! Or maybe they go for a nice dip in the evening! 

beautiful home

As you can see, the home and grounds are lovely. I poked some fun at this home but it was all in good nature. This home is truly beautiful. Not my taste when it comes to decor, but I’m sure there are some folks who would love it. 

beautiful home

beautiful home

With some upkeep, this BBQ station would be a beauty! I’d love to have one in my backyard too!

beautiful home

PIN IT For Later – and share too – you know everyone is itching to see this house too!

The Quirkiest Decor I've Ever Seen In A Beautiful Home. Must See! Sassy Townhouse Living

If you want to see more images (yes, there are more!), you can head over to the original real estate posting. Don’t forget to take the virtual tour too! It’s up for sale for only $1,275,000 and the land taxes are only $21,000 a year! Imagine, all this and more for you and your family to enjoy! ha! 

And as always, thanks so much for stopping by! If you like this post, The Quirkiest Decor I’ve Ever Seen In A Beautiful Home. Must See!, subscribe via email below and never miss a post again!

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  1. OMG! This is a gold mine worst real estate listing ever. I would be so creeped out with the mannequins in every room and the man in the bathroom- yipes. It is definitely a hoarder problem too and any buyer might like this nice house and all its rooms and property if they can see through the junk! Fun post Carolann.

  2. WOW .. just wow! That is a lot of STUFF! and how creepy are the mannequins? The little girl skating on the ceiling… odd LOL I will say the actual house is gorgeous tho.. so much potential, once all that stuff is out

  3. I enjoyed the tour very much – it’s interesting to see just how different people see “beauty” -How does the agent explain all this to prospective buyers? I pity the moving company they hire. Thanks to you.

  4. Oh my word! The house is really gorgeous from the interior to the grounds to the pool…but those mannequins are waaay to creepy. i thinknive seen too many horror movies lol ????????

  5. You gave me quite the laugh early in the morning Carolann! I have to agree with you “creepy” is the word I’d also use. But I’m sure once it was empty it would be amazing, it has really good bones. But with all that stuff in there it is a little hard to imagine it otherwise. I could barely find the beds because of all the pillows piled on top!

  6. Hi Florence, thanks so much for sharing the post! Yes, I was shocked at the creepiness of the decor. I couldn’t believe that such a beautiful home was decorated that way. The agent should have never posted those pics and insist she staged it. Thanks so much and have a great day!

  7. Hi Mary, So glad you enjoyed the post. That house is nuts! lol Those mannequins are whacked!Yes, empty the house is dreamy for sure. Each room is like a mystery and I don’t want to solve it! lol
    Thanks much,

  8. Hi Cori! Yes, it’s so creepy for sure! Those mannequins are whacky! lol. It does look like something from a horror movie lol. Thanks so much for stopping by. It’s always a pleasure hearing from you!
    Carolann xo

  9. Hi, Sylvia! lol good point about the moving company. Wow, they will need several trucks I think! It was really an interesting home. Those mannequins freaked me out though lol

  10. Hi Heather, Yep, wow is the perfect word to describe this home lol. That girl on the ceiling left me speechless – and that takes a lot lol. Yes, can you imagine that home emptied? wow again, but a good wow. lol

  11. Hi Sue, yes, that house is so stunning. I can only imagine how it would look beautifully decorated. It was a fun post for sure and I hope I find more whacky homes like this one lol.

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