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5 Wonderful Realtor Gift Ideas That Express Thanks After Closing

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Are you looking for some wonderful realtor gift ideas? It’s always a good idea to thank your realtor for assisting you when closing on your dream home. While you have a long to-do list starting with unpacking boxes, here’s one extra task to should add. Thanking your realtor is always a good way to show your appreciation.

Realtor Gift Ideas

Realtor Gift Ideas To Show Your Appreciation

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I clearly remember the very first home we bought together as a couple. The realtor carefully listened to our needs and made sure she stuck to our budget guidelines. After showing us about a dozen home options, we finally found our dream home. She spent endless hours driving around and taking us to open houses, and made appointments.

Of course, we were so very grateful, and it seemed appropriate to thank her with a thoughtful gift as well. If your realtor has secured the home of your dreams at a price you can afford, then they deserve a thank you. Plus, it’s a great way for your realtor to remember you next time you decide to invest in property or decide to move.

Below, you’ll discover five realtor gift ideas that will assist you when you decide to thank them properly.

Rental Properties Real Estate Tips

1 – Recommending Your Realtor  

It might seem simple, but one of the best ways to show your appreciation of your realtor is to recommend them to other people. Realtors receive and work on a commission basis. So they only make money when they sell a house or help someone buy a home. And, of course, this means that they’re always looking for new business.

If you know someone who’s looking to buy or sell, recommend your realtor to them. Plus, your friends and family will appreciate the referral. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy finding a trusted, kind, and cooperative salesperson at times. And when you do, a referral is a great way to help them network.

Tip: To provide the maximum possible help to your realtor, you might want to ask what type of clients they’re particularly keen to attract. Most realtors enjoy taking on anyone, but some may especially enjoy working with a particular kind of buyer/seller.

For instance, they may enjoy matching young families with the perfect home, or they might have a specific specialization in an area like short sales and foreclosures. But, when it comes to realtor gift ideas, recommendations always top the list!

Realtor Gift Ideas

2 – Take The Time To Write A Thank You Note

Even in the age of high tech, people always appreciate a thank you letter. After all, we always send thank you notes for job interviews, wedding gifts, etc., so why not to our realtors? So, with the first week of moving into your dream home, take a few minutes to compose a heartfelt thank you note. It’s the perfect way to show them your appreciation for their hard work and assistance.

Of course, it’s up to you what you want to say and ensure you personalize the message. Then, when you compose the letter, be sure and write it on some beautifully crafted thank you notes. It’s always a good idea to keep thank you notes on hand for occasions like this. When it comes to realtor gift ideas, a simple thank you note makes a great impression.

Furthermore, if you need some help composing the first few sentences, you can use the example below:

Dear [name],
This morning, we gleefully woke up in our dream home. I still can’t quite believe it’s ours! We can’t thank you enough for all your help finding it. We appreciate how much work you put in, and we’re so grateful to you. If we can ever offer a testimonial or review, just let us know. We’d be very glad to recommend your services to anyone looking to find their own dream home.
Thanks again for everything,
[your name(s)]

Tip: As well as writing a note for your realtor, you might want to write a thank you to other people involved in your moves, such as your packers, movers, and even the sellers. You don’t have to spend a lengthy amount of time on this as well. A couple of simple sentences could make someone’s day.

3 – Publish A Great Online Review Of Their Services

Another wonderful way to thank your realtor is to write a glowing review or testimonial for them online. More so, this is particularly thoughtful if your realtor is quite new to the business. And they may not yet have many reviews on their website or their business Facebook page.

Many realtors will have a way for you to leave a testimonial or review. A good place to start is with their website and their social media platforms. For example, you can see if you have the option to write a review. If not, send your review or testimonial via email and let them know that they have your permission to publish it online.

Tip: Take a look at the other reviews or testimonials that your realtor already has. Is there something that others haven’t said that you want to highlight? Or is there an issue that someone else has raised that wasn’t a problem for you? You might want to make a point of mentioning this in your review.

4 – Sending A Thoughtful Gift – Realtor Gift Ideas They Will Love

When someone has truly gone above and beyond for you, then a gift is a lovely way to thank them. But, of course, you could stick with the traditional flowers or a delicious box of gourmet chocolates, as they don’t typically receive many gifts at all. And when it comes to realtor gift ideas, traditional gifts go a long way.

More so, if you want to send something a bit different, there are plenty of other thoughtful options out there. Unless your realtor is a personal friend and you know their tastes and preferences, it’s probably easiest to stick with business gifts: these are sure to be appropriate and generally liked. Choose something in your budget range that you think your realtor will enjoy, and send it to their office address.

Tip: While wine is a thoughtful gift option, it’s not always the most considerate choice unless you’re sure that your realtor drinks (and enjoys wine). Keep in mind that many people avoid alcohol, whether for medical or religious reasons or past addiction.

Realtor Gift Ideas
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5 – Tagging Them In Photos Of Your New Home On Social Media

Spreading the word on social media is a great way to gift your realtor. Although this might seem like a small thing, it isn’t. And it could help bring in new clients for your realtor. So when you proudly post your photos of your new home on your social media accounts, make sure you tag your realtor too. (Something like “With huge thanks to our realtor @name” or “we couldn’t have done it without our realtor @name” will work perfectly.)

Furthermore, this is a straightforward, low-effort way for you to spread the word about your realtor’s great services. And the shout-out could mean a considerable amount to them. If they don’t have a social media account, you can still do something similar by linking to their website and encouraging your social media friends and followers to check them out.

Tip: If you think of this ahead of time, you could even take a photo of your realtor outside your dream home (so long as they’re happy to be in the picture, of course).

Realtor Gift Ideas In Closing

We remember how grateful and happy our realtor was when we gifted her to shower our appreciation. Today, we keep in touch, and it’s good to know her professional services will always be there for us when we need them.

More so, moving into your dream home is an amazing experience, even if there’s a lot of work to do. So please take a few minutes out to express your thanks to your realtor. We know it’ll mean so much to them. When it comes to realtor gift ideas, anything you do will brighten their day and show appreciation!

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5 Wonderful Realtor Gift Ideas That Express Thanks After Closing - Sassy Townhouse Living

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