Swimming Pool Maintenance Steps What You Need To Know
When it comes to swimming pool maintenance, there are essential steps you need to follow to keep your pool healthy and clean. Many people dream of a house with a swimming pool. If you are lucky enough to have one, taking good care of it is essential. Of course, we want our pools clean and healthy for our friends and family. And with a few steps, you can have the pool of your dreams.

Why You Need To Follow These Swimming Pool Maintenance Steps
Not maintaining a swimming pool is an expensive mistake. As your pool becomes damaged with regular wear and tear, it’s crucial to give them periodic maintenance breaks. Not doing so will significantly damage the pool, ultimately costing you thousands of dollars. More importantly, an unmaintained pool can be very unsafe to swim in, especially for children.
More importantly, it can make everyone sick if you don’t properly keep up your swimming pool maintenance steps. A dirty pool can result in recreation water illnesses (RWIs). And this can cause diarrhea, ear and respiratory infections, rashes, and inflamed eyes and lungs.
So, if you keep your swimming pool well maintained, you can rest assured you’ll keep your friends and family safe. Below, we will look at ways to maintain your dream pool and ensure you do so every season. These are quick and easy steps anyone can follow for their home pool.

1. Vacuum For Dirt Removal
Using a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and debris from the pool is the first step toward pool maintenance. Perhaps the most crucial part of pool maintenance is keeping the surface of the pool dirt free. But, of course, this wouldn’t be possible without vacuuming it first.
Typically, you can use a pool vacuum, as they are not very different from hardwood or carpet vacuum cleaners. First, try to vacuum the pool floor once a week. If that’s too much, aim for once a month at least.

2. Brush And Clean The Walls
Once you have vacuumed the floor, it’s time to brush the walls. Brush the walls of your swimming pool every month, if not more frequently. You should use a soft-bristled brush and non-toxic detergent to clean the walls.
You can also scrub the swimming pool floor using the same brush and detergent. However, vacuuming first is indispensable in the case of pool floors.
Do not rush through the process of wall and floor cleaning. Instead, take your time to target each pool section and clean thoroughly. Everyday swimming pool maintenance requires you to keep the walls of your pool clean.

3. Maintain Water Chemistry – A Top Priority For Swimming Pool Maintenance
The chemical composition of your pool water plays a massive role in keeping your swimming pool in good shape. If the water composition turns corrosive due to some reason, the floor and walls of your pool can become severely impacted. It is also unsafe to swim in a pool with corrosive water.
The only way to maintain the water chemistry of your pool water is to have your pool tested by a professional swimming pool expert. They would take samples of your pool water and make sure they test it in laboratories. When it comes to swimming pool maintenance, this needs to be at the top of your list.
If your pool water is not in good health, you must take extra steps to make it safe. Sometimes, you would have to check and change your pool water filter. In other cases, you would need to change the entire pool water. It’s crucial to maintain water chemistry to maintain your dream pool.

4. Maintain Chlorine Levels
Three parts per million (ppm) of chlorine is the perfect amount for your pool. Unfortunately, despite what many think, chlorine does not instantly eliminate microorganisms. However, chlorine is a must-have no matter what chemical concentration you select.
Even saltwater swimming pools require chlorine. Therefore, chlorine is the most prominent and trustworthy cleaning agent for swimming pools. Additionally, it won’t stain the surface of your pool the way saltwater will, and chlorine won’t corrode your piping.
However, keep in mind that exposure to excessive chlorine might cause irritated skin and eyes. Use a home test to check the chlorine levels in your pool if the odor and itching are insufficient clues.

5. Pool Filter Maintenance
Filter cleaning is one of the three most important parts of the pool maintenance process. The other two are circulation and water chemistry. So, of course, any pool needs to consider these three things when it comes to swimming pool maintenance.
Depending on how frequently you use your pool filter, you should clean it at a fixed interval. However, when it’s time to clean your filter, there are some signs to watch out for when it comes to swimming pool maintenance.
Unusual pool stench, clogged drains, and ineffective hose cleaning are a few warning indicators. You must also clean the cartridge filter if your pool has one. However, the size will determine how frequently you clean it. It can happen every month or only once every four to six months.

6. Keep Pool Cleaning Tools Handy
You would not need pool cleaning tools all the time, but it’s good to have access to them when you need to. Some of the most common pool tools are pool poles, pool chlorine floaters, pool covers, skimmer nets, etc. If you have a personal pool, you should also have personal pool cleaning tools.

7. Clean Your Pool Thoroughly After Pool Parties
If you have a pool at your home, you will inevitably have the occasional pool party. While pool parties are a lot of fun, they also take a toll on your swimming pool. For example, it can lead to the accumulation of physical debris at the bottom of the pool or changes in the chemical composition of the pool water.
Once the party is over, clean your pool and include the surface and the water. You can drain all the water, clean the walls and floor, and refill the pool if needed. It may not always be necessary, depending on the type of party you’ve had.

8. Maintain Water Level In The Pool
Maintaining the water levels in your pool is something that most people conveniently overlook. However, leaving the water levels in your pool to fluctuate might disturb the water’s chemical equilibrium. So instead, please pay attention to the water level in your pool to keep it in good shape.
The skimmer may bottom out and draw air into your filter system if the water level in your pool is lower than the prescribed limit. You run the danger of damaging the pool pump once that occurs. Therefore, you should keep an eye on the water level in your pool because this could be an expensive issue if left unchecked.

While it takes a little time and effort, the results are well worth it when it comes to your swimming pool maintenance. So ensure you follow these steps and tips to keep your pool in its best condition.

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