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Plumbing Emergency: When to call 24-Hour Plumbers in London

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Plumbing Emergency: When to call 24-Hour Plumbers in London

A plumbing emergency or issue can be a huge inconvenience; and what’s more, they always seem to happen at the worst time. Luckily, 24-hour plumbers in London are available on-call to save the day.

plumbing emergency

Most of the plumbing issues are simple annoyances; however, when not addressed on time, they can easily turn into something big that will require a lot of money to fix. That’s why it is important to let the professionals take care of any problem, regardless of how small it may seem.

For instance, if a basement starts flooding at 2 AM, the right thing to do is to call a 24-hour plumber London to come and address the issue right away. If ignored until the next morning, or after a weekend/holiday, it’s highly likely that there will be lots of water damage, which are often expensive.

plumbing emergency plumbers in london

Here are a few things that you can do before calling 24-hour plumbers London:

Shut off the water

plumbing emergency plumbers in london

If you realize that there’s water dripping or running from the line, the first thing to do is to turn it off, to prevent more leaks. Check where the water is coming from; if it is from one of the fixtures, like a faucet or toilet, shut the water supply to that specific fixture.

If you cannot identify the source of leakage, then your best bet would be to close the main water supply (always at the water meter).

Check the urgency

plumbing emergency plumbers in london

While the golden rule is for you to call your professional as soon as you realize you have a plumbing issue, some cases can wait, especially if they occur in the middle of the night or over the weekends.

For instance, an overflowing toilet can wait till the next morning provided you have turned off the supply and you’re not flushing it.

The same applies to any other localized issues – like if your bathroom sinks fail; you can use the kitchen one in the meantime, before calling 24-hour plumbers London.

Contact your water company

If the issues involve a service line break, mainline break, sewer utility hole problems, or sewer blockage, you might want to check with your water company to confirm whether they are responsible for the repairs. Often, they provide round the clock solutions to respond to such situations.

Making the Call

plumbing emergency plumbers in london

If your plumbing issues cannot wait, the next thing that you should do is to contact the 24-hour plumbers London. It would be a great idea to have comprehensive details regarding your plumbing problem, as it will help with finding the correct cost estimate.

Call a few plumbers: Not all plumbing companies are created equal, some are superior to others. Be sure to note down their quotes and other aspects like how long they’ll take to arrive.

plumbing emergency plumbers in london

Ask about the costs involved: a good company should be able to give you an idea of how much the problem will cost. Compare the cost difference and choose wisely – in plumbing, you get what you pay for.

Plumbing Emergency When to call 24-Hour Plumbers in London 7

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