8 Slick Online Shopping Tips You Need To Know!
If you thought you knew everything about online shopping tips, think again! There’s still a lot to learn about the slickest ways to save money.
With online retailers vying for your attention, they have some tricks up their sleeves they don’t readily share. In this article, we will take a look at eight slick and savvy ways to save money while shopping online.

Online Shopping Tips You Don’t Want To Miss
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Recently, we all know too well how much we missed shopping in malls for the things we love. With stores closed for months, we relied heavily on online shopping for almost everything. Even though you think you know the best online shopping tips, you might have missed a few.
This month our old washer and dryer finally gave up, and of course, we turned to our favorite online stores to purchase them. I spent many hours searching for the best deals and finally found a set on Home Depot offering the best prices. With that said, I searched for some Home Depot promo codes to seal the deal.
Finally, we chose the Samsung 4.2 cu. ft. High-Efficiency Front Load Washer and Samsung 7.5 cu. ft. Gas Dryer. With the help of some proper research, we saved over $500 on both. You can see our new machines below! And that’s not all. This month, we saved over a $1000 using online shopping tips on other household merchandise too!
With that said, let’s move forward and show you 8 Slick Online Shopping Tips!

1 – The Dynamic Pricing Trap!
So, what is the Dynamic Pricing trap anyway? Online retailers use this strategy to offer different levels of pricing to their customers. They do this based on products based on high demand. They also use things like market factors and spending patterns. But did you know they also use your browsing patterns when setting prices as well? Sneaky buggers, right?
With new technologies, retailers highly tuned their technique. Now, they can track your internet surfing to gather data and get intimate knowledge of your online shopping patterns and behaviors. So what does it mean to you?
Well, if you may see a higher price than someone else depending on their spending habits. A quick fix is to make sure you erase your browser’s cookies and make sure you completely log out of your account. Another excellent tip, make sure you open a “private” or “incognito” browser window.
2 – Don’t Purchase Right Away – Leave Your Items In The Cart
One of my favorite methods and online shopping tips is to leave my chosen items in the cart for a while. The “abandoned-cart strategy” always seems to grab retailers attention!
Like anyone looking to close the deal, retailers are itching to draw you back to your site and complete your purchase. While this works for most websites, you may find a few that don’t seem to care.
Either way, anytime I shop online, I always abandon my cart for at least 20 minutes and give it a try. Then, check your email for that wonderful discount code!
Important note, some retailers will empty your cart once you leave. And some retailers have timers to delete your merch after a few minutes. So, yes, by all means, abandon your cart, but not for too long!
3 – Social Media Can Save Your Money!
Before you head over to your favorite online retailer, make a pit stop to their social media pages. There were times when I messaged the retailer on their business Facebook page and asked for coupon codes or free shipping codes. And nine out of ten times, it worked! Remember, it’s always nice to give them a “like” and spread some love their way.
Additionally, it’s always fun to connect with brands we love on social media. More so than not, they will also offer additional discounts to their followers as well. I make sure to do this little trick every time I shop online. I also develop relationships with them for future shopping savings as well.

4 – Call Customer Service – One Of The Sassiest Online Shopping Tips
Sure, it takes a little sassiness to pick up the phone and call the retailer, but boy, it’s so worth it! Above all, so very worth calling if you have an expired coupon code or a lost code.
More importantly, companies want you to spend your money and if that means giving you a discount, they will! In the past, I took the extra few minutes to call and ask and transformed my time into savings.
5 – Comparing Online Prices Between Retailers
Did you know Google Shopping allows you to compare pricing between your favorite online stores? Well, they do, and you need to use that feature to save some extra cash! You can also use other websites as well, like bizrate.com.
Again, it’s well worth your time to check and compare online prices. Many retailers will offer price matching too. Always make sure you ask if they price match.
6 – Price Drops After Your Purchase – More Awesome Online Shopping Tips
Doesn’t it frustrate you when you see price drops a few days after your purchase? Well, fret no longer! Many retailers will issue you a refund even after you purchase. The time frame depends on the retailer’s policies, so be sure to check.
On Amazon, you have a refund issued up to a week after your purchase! You can also use apps like Honey Browser Extension. I use Honey every time I shop, and it’s one of my favorite online shopping tips to date!
7 – The Multiple Coupon Code Strategy!
While you know most retails don’t allow multiple coupon codes, you can always call customer service and ask for an exception. While this might not work all the time, you can always ask for a deeper discount code at the same time.
If the retailer does let you use multiple codes, make sure you use them in the best order possible. For example, say you have one discount code for 20% and another for $10 off your purchase. Always make sure you use the percentage code first and then the cash discount code. This order will ensure you get the deepest discount possible.

8 – Always Install The Retailers App On Your Phone
This year, I made a point to install every online retailer’s app on my phone. Boy, did I save some money, or what? And aside from saving money, you are privy to sales before they go online, and you receive alerts as soon as the best deals take place!
Honestly, as far as online shopping tips go, this has to be the best discovery for saving money, time, and finding the best deals in their shops.
In short, I hope you found some awesome ways to save money shopping online. I love discovering online shopping tips and will always share the best of everything we know and love with you!
Don’t Forget To Pin Your Inspiration!

In addition, don’t forget to read How To Save Money On Bottled Water – You Need To Know This!
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